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import base from './base.js'
import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import common from '../../../lib/common/common.js'
import MysUser from './mys/MysUser.js'
import MysInfo from './mys/mysInfo.js'
export default class User extends base {
constructor (e) {
this.model = 'bingCk'
/** 绑定的uid */
this.uidKey = `Yz:genshin:mys:qq-uid:${this.userId}`
/** 多角色uid */
this.allUid = []
if (this.e.isSr) {
/** 绑定的uid */
this.uidKey = `Yz:srJson:mys:qq-uid:${this.userId}`
// 获取当前user实例
async user () {
return await MysInfo.getNoteUser(this.e)
async resetCk () {
let user = await this.user()
await user.initCache()
/** 绑定ck */
async bing () {
let user = await this.user()
let set = gsCfg.getConfig('mys', 'set')
if (!this.e.ck) {
await this.e.reply(`请【私聊】发送米游社cookie获取教程\n${set.cookieDoc}`)
let ck = this.e.ck.replace(/#|'|"/g, '')
let param = {}
ck.split(';').forEach((v) => {
// 处理分割特殊cookie_token
let tmp = lodash.trim(v).replace('=', '~').split('~')
param[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
if (!param.cookie_token && !param.cookie_token_v2) {
await this.e.reply('发送cookie不完整\n请退出米游社【重新登录】刷新完整cookie')
this.ck = `ltoken=${param.ltoken};ltuid=${param.ltuid || param.login_uid};cookie_token=${param.cookie_token || param.cookie_token_v2}; account_id=${param.ltuid || param.login_uid};`
let flagV2 = false
if (param.cookie_token_v2 && (param.account_mid_v2 || param.ltmid_v2)) { //
// account_mid_v2 为版本必须带的字段不带的话会一直提示绑定cookie失败 请重新登录
flagV2 = true
this.ck = `account_mid_v2=${param.account_mid_v2};cookie_token_v2=${param.cookie_token_v2};ltoken_v2=${param.ltoken_v2};ltmid_v2=${param.ltmid_v2};`
/** 拼接ck */
this.ltuid = param.ltuid || param.ltmid_v2
/** 米游币签到字段 */
this.login_ticket = param.login_ticket ?? ''
/** 检查ck是否失效 */
if (!await this.checkCk(param)) {
logger.mark(`绑定cookie错误1${this.checkMsg || 'cookie错误'}`)
await this.e.reply(`绑定cookie失败${this.checkMsg || 'cookie错误'}`)
if (flagV2) {
// 获取米游社通行证id
let userFullInfo = await this.getUserInfo()
if (userFullInfo?.data?.user_info) {
let userInfo = userFullInfo?.data?.user_info
this.ltuid = userInfo.uid
this.ck = `${this.ck}ltuid=${this.ltuid};`
} else {
logger.mark(`绑定cookie错误2${userFullInfo.message || 'cookie错误'}`)
await this.e.reply(`绑定cookie失败${userFullInfo.message || 'cookie错误'}`)
logger.mark(`${this.e.logFnc} 检查cookie正常 [uid:${this.uid}]`)
await user.addCk(this.getCk())
logger.mark(`${this.e.logFnc} 保存cookie成功 [uid:${this.uid}] [ltuid:${this.ltuid}]`)
let uidMsg = [`绑定cookie成功\n${this.region_name}${this.uid}`]
if (!lodash.isEmpty(this.allUid)) {
this.allUid.forEach(v => {
await this.e.reply(uidMsg.join('\n'))
let msg = ''
this.region_name += lodash.map(this.allUid, 'region_name').join(',')
if (/天空岛|世界树|America Server|Europe Server|Asia Server/.test(this.region_name)) {
msg += '原神模块支持:\n【#体力】查询当前树脂'
msg += '\n【#签到】米游社原神自动签到'
msg += '\n【#关闭签到】开启或关闭原神自动签到'
msg += '\n【#原石】查看原石札记'
msg += '\n【#原石统计】原石统计数据'
msg += '\n【#练度统计】技能统计列表'
msg += '\n【#uid】当前绑定ck uid列表'
msg += '\n【#ck】检查当前用户ck是否有效'
msg += '\n【#我的ck】查看当前绑定ck'
msg += '\n【#删除ck】删除当前绑定ck'
if (/星穹列车/.test(this.region_name)) {
msg += '\n星穹铁道支持\n功能还在咕咕咕~'
msg += '\n 支持绑定多个ck'
msg = await common.makeForwardMsg(this.e, ['使用命令说明', msg], '绑定成功:使用命令说明')
await this.e.reply(msg)
/** 检查ck是否可用 */
async checkCk (param) {
let res
for (let type of ['mys', 'hoyolab']) {
let roleRes = await this.getGameRoles(type)
if (roleRes?.retcode === 0) {
res = roleRes
/** 国际服的标记 */
if (type === 'hoyolab' && typeof (param.mi18nLang) === 'string') {
this.ck += ` mi18nLang=${param.mi18nLang};`
if (roleRes.retcode === -100) {
this.checkMsg = '该ck已失效请重新登录获取'
} else {
this.checkMsg = roleRes.message || 'error'
if (!res) return false
if (!res.data.list || res.data.list.length <= 0) {
this.checkMsg = '该账号尚未绑定原神或星穹角色!'
return false
} else {
res.data.list = res.data.list.filter(v => ['hk4e_cn', 'hkrpg_cn', 'hk4e_global', 'hkrpg_global'].includes(v.game_biz))
let is_chosen = false
/** 米游社默认展示的角色 */
for (let val of res.data.list) {
if (val.is_chosen && !is_chosen) {
this.uid = val.game_uid
this.region_name = val.region_name
is_chosen = true
} else {
uid: val.game_uid,
region_name: val.region_name
if (!this.uid && res.data?.list?.length > 0) {
this.uid = res.data.list[0].game_uid
this.region_name = res.data.list[0].region_name
if (this.allUid[0].uid == this.uid) delete this.allUid[0]
return this.uid
async getGameRoles (server = 'mys') {
return await MysUser.getGameRole(this.ck, server)
// 获取米游社通行证id
async getUserInfo (server = 'mys') {
return await MysUser.getUserFullInfo(this.ck, server)
/** 保存ck */
getCk () {
let ck = gsCfg.getBingCkSingle(this.e.user_id)
lodash.map(ck, o => {
o.isMain = false
return o
ck[this.uid] = {
uid: this.uid,
qq: this.e.user_id,
ck: this.ck,
ltuid: this.ltuid,
login_ticket: this.login_ticket,
region_name: this.region_name,
device_id: this.getGuid(),
isMain: true
this.allUid.forEach((v) => {
if (!v.uid) return
ck[v.uid] = {
uid: v.uid,
qq: this.e.user_id,
ck: this.ck,
ltuid: this.ltuid,
region_name: v.region_name,
device_id: this.getGuid(),
isMain: false
return ck
/** 删除绑定ck */
async delCk (uid = '') {
let user = await this.user()
let uids = await user.delCk()
return `绑定cookie已删除,uid:${uids.join(',')}`
/** 绑定uid若有ck的话优先使用ck-uid */
async bingUid () {
let uid = this.e.msg.match(/[1|2|5-9][0-9]{8}/g)
if (!uid) return
uid = uid[0]
let user = await this.user()
await user.setRegUid(uid, true)
return await this.e.reply(`绑定成功uid:${uid}`, false, { at: true })
/** #uid */
async showUid () {
let user = await this.user()
if (!user.hasCk) {
await this.e.reply(`当前绑定uid${user.uid || '无'}`, false, { at: true })
let uids = user.ckUids
let ckData = user.ckData
let uid = user.uid * 1
let msg = [`当前uid${uid}`, '当前绑定cookie Uid列表', '通过【#uid+序号】来切换uid']
let region_name = []
Object.keys(ckData).forEach((v) => {
if (!region_name.includes(ckData[v].region_name)) {
let count = 0
for (let n of region_name) {
for (let i in uids) {
if (ckData[uids[i]].region_name == n) {
let tmp = `${++count}: ${uids[i]}`
if (uids[i] * 1 === uid) {
tmp += ' ☑'
await this.e.reply(msg.join('\n'))
/** 切换uid */
async toggleUid (index) {
let user = await this.user()
let uidList = user.ckUids
if (index > uidList.length) {
return await this.e.reply('uid序号输入错误')
index = Number(index) - 1
await user.setMainUid(index)
return await this.e.reply(`切换成功当前uid${user.uid}`)
/** 加载旧ck */
async loadOldData () {
let file = [
let json = file.find(v => fs.existsSync(v))
if (!json) return
let list = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(json, 'utf8'))
let arr = {}
lodash.forEach(list, (ck, qq) => {
if (ck.qq) qq = ck.qq
let isMain = false
if (!arr[qq]) {
arr[qq] = {}
isMain = true
let param = {}
ck.cookie.split(';').forEach((v) => {
let tmp = lodash.trim(v).split('=')
param[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
let ltuid = param.ltuid
if (!param.cookie_token) return
arr[qq][String(ck.uid)] = {
uid: ck.uid,
ck: ck.cookie,
device_id: this.getGuid()
lodash.forEach(arr, (ck, qq) => {
let saveFile = `./data/MysCookie/${qq}.yaml`
if (fs.existsSync(saveFile)) return
gsCfg.saveBingCk(qq, ck)
/** 我的ck */
async myCk () {
let user = await this.user()
if (!user.hasCk) {
let ck = user.mainCk
if (!lodash.isEmpty(ck)) {
await this.e.reply(`当前绑定cookie\nuid${ck.uid}`)
await this.e.reply(ck.ck)
async checkCkStatus () {
let user = await this.user()
if (!user.hasCk) {
await this.e.reply(`\n未绑定CK当前绑定uid${user.uid || '无'}`, false, { at: true })
return true
let uid = user.uid * 1
let uids = user.ckUids
let checkRet = await user.checkCk()
let cks = []
lodash.forEach(checkRet, (ds, idx) => {
let tmp = [`\n#${idx + 1}: [CK:${ds.ltuid}] - 【${ds.status === 0 ? '正常' : '失效'}`]
if (ds.uids && ds.uids.length > 0) {
let dsUids = []
lodash.forEach(ds.uids, (u) => {
dsUids.push(u * 1 === uid ? `${u}` : u)
tmp.push(`绑定UID: [ ${dsUids.join(', ')} ]`)
if (ds.status !== 0) {
if (uids.length > 1) {
await this.e.reply(cks.join('\n----\n'), false, { at: true })
getGuid () {
function S4 () {
return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
return (S4() + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + '-' + S4() + S4() + S4())
async userAdmin () {
this.model = 'userAdmin'
await MysInfo.initCache()
let stat = await MysUser.getStatData()
return {
saveId: 'user-admin',
_plugin: 'genshin',