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import base from './base.js'
import MysInfo from './mys/mysInfo.js'
import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import moment from 'moment'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { Character } from '#miao.models'
let dsz = '待实装'
let imgFile = {}
export default class RoleIndex extends base {
constructor(e) {
this.model = 'roleIndex'
this.other = gsCfg.getdefSet('role', 'other')
this.wother = gsCfg.getdefSet('weapon', 'other')
this.lable = gsCfg.getdefSet('role', 'index')
this.area = {
蒙德: 1,
璃月: 2,
雪山: 3,
稻妻: 4,
渊下宫: 5,
层岩巨渊: 6,
层岩地下: 7,
须弥: 8,
枫丹: 9,
沉玉谷: 10,
来歆山: 11,
沉玉谷·南陵: 12,
沉玉谷·上谷: 13,
旧日之海: 14
this.all_chest = 0
lodash.forEach(this.lable, (v, i) => {
if (i.includes('_chest')) this.all_chest += v
this.areaName = lodash.invert(this.area)
this.headIndexStyle = `<style> .head_box { background: url(${this.screenData.pluResPath}img/roleIndex/namecard/${lodash.random(1, 8)}.png) #f5f5f5; background-position-x: 30px; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 15px; font-family: tttgbnumber; padding: 10px 20px; position: relative; background-size: auto 101%; }</style>`
static async get(e) {
let roleIndex = new RoleIndex(e)
return await roleIndex.getIndex()
async getIndex() {
let ApiData = {
index: '',
spiralAbyss: { schedule_type: 1 },
character: '',
basicInfo: ''
let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, ApiData)
if (!res || res[0].retcode !== 0 || res[2].retcode !== 0) return false
let ret = []
res.forEach(v => ret.push(v.data))
/** 截图数据 */
let data = {
quality: 80,
// console.log(...this.dealData(ret))
return data
dealData(data) {
let [resIndex, resAbyss, resDetail, basicInfo] = data
let avatars = resDetail.avatars || []
let roleArr = avatars
for (let i in avatars) {
let rarity = avatars[i].rarity
let liveNum = avatars[i].actived_constellation_num
let level = avatars[i].level
let id = avatars[i].id - 10000000
if (rarity >= 5) {
rarity = 5
// 埃洛伊排到最后
if (rarity > 5) {
id = 0
// 增加神里排序
if (avatars[i].id == 10000002) {
id = 50
if (avatars[i].id == 10000005) {
avatars[i].name = '空'
liveNum = 0
level = 0
} else if (avatars[i].id == 10000007) {
avatars[i].name = '荧'
liveNum = 0
level = 0
avatars[i].sortLevel = level
// id倒序最新出的角色拍前面
avatars[i].sort = rarity * 100000 + liveNum * 10000 + level * 100 + id
avatars[i].weapon.showName = this.wother.sortName[avatars[i].weapon.name] ?? avatars[i].weapon.name
avatars[i].costumesLogo = ''
if (avatars[i].costumes && avatars[i].costumes.length >= 1) {
for (let val of avatars[i].costumes) {
if (this.other.costumes.includes(val.name)) {
avatars[i].costumesLogo = 2
let stats = resIndex.stats || {}
let percentage = lodash.round(
((stats.precious_chest_number +
stats.luxurious_chest_number +
stats.exquisite_chest_number +
stats.common_chest_number +
stats.magic_chest_number) /
this.all_chest) *
let afterPercentage =
(percentage < 60
? 'D'
: percentage < 70
? 'C'
: percentage < 80
? 'B'
: percentage < 90
? 'A'
: 'S') + `[${percentage}%]`
let line = [
{ lable: '成就', num: stats.achievement_number, extra: this.lable.achievement },
{ lable: '角色数', num: stats.avatar_number, extra: this.lable.avatar },
{ lable: '等级', num: resIndex?.role?.level ?? 0, extra: this.lable.level },
lable: '总宝箱',
stats.precious_chest_number +
stats.luxurious_chest_number +
stats.exquisite_chest_number +
stats.common_chest_number +
extra: this.all_chest
lable: '获取率',
num: afterPercentage,
afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'D'
? '#12a182'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'C'
? '#2775b6'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'B'
? '#806d9e'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'A'
? '#c04851'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'S'
? '#f86b1d'
: '',
{ lable: '华丽宝箱', num: stats.luxurious_chest_number, extra: this.lable.luxurious_chest },
{ lable: '珍贵宝箱', num: stats.precious_chest_number, extra: this.lable.precious_chest },
{ lable: '精致宝箱', num: stats.exquisite_chest_number, extra: this.lable.exquisite_chest },
{ lable: '普通宝箱', num: stats.common_chest_number, extra: this.lable.common_chest }
// 尘歌壶
let homesLevel = 0
// let homesItem = 0
if (resIndex.homes && resIndex.homes.length > 0) {
homesLevel = resIndex.homes[0].level
// homesItem = resIndex.homes[0].item_num
let worldExplorations = lodash.keyBy(resIndex.world_explorations, 'id')
let explor = []
let explor2 = []
let expArr = ['枫丹', '须弥', '层岩巨渊', '渊下宫', '稻妻']
let expArr2 = ['雪山', '璃月', '蒙德']
for (let val of expArr) {
let tmp = {
lable: val,
num: `${(worldExplorations[this.area[val]]?.exploration_percentage ?? 0) / 10}%`
for (let val of expArr2) {
let tmp = {
lable: val,
num: `${(worldExplorations[this.area[val]]?.exploration_percentage ?? 0) / 10}%`
explor2.push({ lable: '家园等级', num: homesLevel })
if (avatars.length > 0) {
// 重新排序
avatars = lodash.chain(avatars).orderBy(['sortLevel'], ['desc'])
if (this.e.msg.includes('角色')) {
avatars = avatars.slice(0, 12)
avatars = avatars.orderBy(['sort'], ['desc']).value()
// 深渊
let abyss = this.abyssAll(roleArr, resAbyss)
return {
uid: this.e.uid,
saveId: this.e.uid,
activeDay: this.dayCount(stats.active_day_number),
headIndexStyle: this.headIndexStyle
// 处理深渊数据
abyssAll(roleArr, resAbyss) {
let abyss = {}
if (roleArr.length <= 0) {
return abyss
if (resAbyss?.total_battle_times <= 0) {
return abyss
if (resAbyss?.reveal_rank.length <= 0) {
return abyss
// 打了三层才放出来
if (resAbyss?.floors.length <= 2) {
return abyss
let startTime = moment(resAbyss.startTime)
let time = Number(startTime.month()) + 1
if (startTime.day() >= 15) {
time = time + '月下'
} else {
time = time + '月上'
let totalStar = 0
let star = []
for (let val of resAbyss.floors) {
if (val.index < 9) {
totalStar += val.star
totalStar = totalStar + '' + star.join('-') + ''
let dataName = ['damage', 'take_damage', 'defeat', 'normal_skill', 'energy_skill']
let data = []
let tmpRole = []
for (let val of dataName) {
if (resAbyss[`${val}_rank`].length <= 0) {
resAbyss[`${val}_rank`] = [
value: 0,
avatar_id: 10000007
data[val] = {
num: resAbyss[`${val}_rank`][0].value,
name: gsCfg.roleIdToName(resAbyss[`${val}_rank`][0].avatar_id)
if (data[val].num > 1000) {
data[val].num = (data[val].num / 10000).toFixed(1)
data[val].num += ' w'
if (tmpRole.length < 4 && !tmpRole.includes(resAbyss[`${val}_rank`][0].avatar_id)) {
let list = []
let avatar = lodash.keyBy(roleArr, 'id')
for (let val of resAbyss.reveal_rank) {
if (avatar[val.avatar_id]) {
val.life = avatar[val.avatar_id].actived_constellation_num
} else {
val.life = 0
val.name = gsCfg.roleIdToName(val.avatar_id)
return {
max_floor: resAbyss.max_floor,
total_battle_times: resAbyss.total_battle_times,
dayCount(num) {
let daysDifference = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date('2020-09-15')) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 1
let days = Math.floor(num)
let msg = '活跃天数:' + days + `/${daysDifference}`
return msg
async roleCard() {
this.model = 'roleCard'
let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'index')
if (!res || res.retcode !== 0) return false
return this.roleCardData(res.data)
roleCardData(res) {
let stats = res.stats
let line = [
{ lable: '活跃天数', num: stats.active_day_number },
{ lable: '成就', num: stats.achievement_number },
{ lable: '角色数', num: stats.avatar_number },
{ lable: '等级', num: res?.role?.level ?? 0 },
lable: '总宝箱',
stats.precious_chest_number +
stats.luxurious_chest_number +
stats.exquisite_chest_number +
stats.common_chest_number +
{ lable: '华丽宝箱', num: stats.luxurious_chest_number },
{ lable: '珍贵宝箱', num: stats.precious_chest_number },
{ lable: '精致宝箱', num: stats.exquisite_chest_number },
{ lable: '普通宝箱', num: stats.common_chest_number },
{ lable: '奇馈宝箱', num: stats.magic_chest_number },
{ lable: '传送点', num: stats.way_point_number },
let explor1 = []
let explor2 = []
res.world_explorations = lodash.orderBy(res.world_explorations, ['id'], ['desc'])
for (let val of res.world_explorations) {
val.name = this.areaName[val.id] ? this.areaName[val.id] : lodash.truncate(val.name, { length: 6 })
let tmp = { lable: val.name, num: `${val.exploration_percentage / 10}%` }
if (explor1.length < 5) {
} else {
explor2 = explor2.concat([
{ lable: '水神瞳', num: stats.hydroculus_number },
{ lable: '草神瞳', num: stats.dendroculus_number },
{ lable: '雷神瞳', num: stats.electroculus_number },
{ lable: '岩神瞳', num: stats.geoculus_number },
{ lable: '风神瞳', num: stats.anemoculus_number },
{ lable: '秘境', num: stats.domain_number }
line.push(explor2.slice(0, 5))
let avatars = res.avatars
avatars = avatars.slice(0, 8)
let element = gsCfg.getdefSet('element', 'role')
for (let i in avatars) {
if (avatars[i].id == 10000005) {
avatars[i].name = '空'
if (avatars[i].id == 10000007) {
avatars[i].name = '荧'
avatars[i].element = element[avatars[i].name]
let char = Character.get(avatars[i].name)
avatars[i].img = char.imgs?.gacha
return {
saveId: this.e.uid,
uid: this.e.uid,
name: this.e.sender.card.replace(this.e.uid, '').trim(),
user_id: this.e.user_id,
bg: lodash.random(1, 3),
async roleExplore() {
this.model = 'roleExplore'
let ApiData = {
index: '',
basicInfo: ''
let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, ApiData)
if (!res || res[0].retcode !== 0) return false
let ret = []
res.forEach((v) => ret.push(v.data))
return this.roleExploreData(ret)
async roleExploreData(res) {
let [resIndex, basicInfo] = res
let stats = resIndex.stats
let percentage = lodash.round(
((stats.precious_chest_number +
stats.luxurious_chest_number +
stats.exquisite_chest_number +
stats.common_chest_number +
stats.magic_chest_number) *
100) /
let afterPercentage =
percentage < 60
? 'D'
: (percentage < 70
? 'C'
: percentage < 80
? 'B'
: percentage < 90
? 'A'
: 'S') + `[${percentage}%]`
let daysDifference = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date('2020-09-15')) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 1
let line = [
{ lable: '角色数', num: stats.avatar_number, extra: this.lable.avatar },
{ lable: '传送点', num: stats.way_point_number, extra: this.lable.way_point },
{ lable: '秘境', num: stats.domain_number, extra: this.lable.domain },
{ lable: '成就', num: stats.achievement_number, extra: this.lable.achievement },
{ lable: '活跃天数', num: stats.active_day_number, extra: `${daysDifference}` }
{ lable: '深境螺旋', num: stats.spiral_abyss },
lable: '宝箱总数',
stats.precious_chest_number +
stats.luxurious_chest_number +
stats.exquisite_chest_number +
stats.common_chest_number +
extra: this.all_chest
lable: '宝箱获取率',
num: afterPercentage,
afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'D'
? '#12a182'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'C'
? '#2775b6'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'B'
? '#806d9e'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'A'
? '#c04851'
: afterPercentage.substr(0, 1) == 'S'
? '#f86b1d'
: '',
{ lable: '普通宝箱', num: stats.common_chest_number, extra: this.lable.common_chest },
{ lable: '精致宝箱', num: stats.exquisite_chest_number, extra: this.lable.exquisite_chest },
{ lable: '珍贵宝箱', num: stats.precious_chest_number, extra: this.lable.precious_chest },
{ lable: '华丽宝箱', num: stats.luxurious_chest_number, extra: this.lable.luxurious_chest },
{ lable: '奇馈宝箱', num: stats.magic_chest_number, extra: this.lable.magic_chest },
{ lable: '风神瞳', num: stats.anemoculus_number, extra: this.lable.anemoculus },
{ lable: '岩神瞳', num: stats.geoculus_number, extra: this.lable.geoculus }
{ lable: '雷神瞳', num: stats.electroculus_number, extra: this.lable.electroculus },
{ lable: '草神瞳', num: stats.dendroculus_number, extra: this.lable.dendroculus },
{ lable: '水神瞳', num: stats.hydroculus_number, extra: this.lable.hydroculus },
{ lable: '火神瞳', num: `${dsz}`, extra: 0 },
{ lable: '冰神瞳', num: `${dsz}`, extra: 0 }
// 尘歌壶
if (resIndex.homes && resIndex.homes.length > 0) {
{ lable: '家园等级', num: resIndex.homes[0].level },
{ lable: '最高仙力', num: resIndex.homes[0].comfort_num },
{ lable: '洞天名称', num: resIndex.homes[0].comfort_level_name },
{ lable: '获得摆设', num: resIndex.homes[0].item_num },
{ lable: '历史访客', num: resIndex.homes[0].visit_num }
resIndex.world_explorations = lodash.orderBy(resIndex.world_explorations, ['id'], ['desc'])
let explor = []
for (let val of resIndex.world_explorations) {
if ([7, 11, 12, 13].includes(val.id)) continue
val.name = this.areaName[val.id] ? this.areaName[val.id] : lodash.truncate(val.name, { length: 6 })
let tmp = {
name: val.name,
line: [
name: val.name,
text: `${val.exploration_percentage / 10}%`
if (val.id == 10) tmp.line = []
if (['蒙德', '璃月', '稻妻', '须弥', '枫丹'].includes(val.name)) {
tmp.line.push({ name: '声望', text: `${val.level}` })
if ([6, 10].includes(val.id)) {
let oidArr = [7]
if (val.id == 10) oidArr = [13, 12, 11]
for (let oid of oidArr) {
let underground = lodash.find(resIndex.world_explorations, function (o) {
return o.id == oid
if (underground) {
name: this.areaName[underground.id],
text: `${underground.exploration_percentage / 10}%`
if (['雪山', '稻妻', '层岩巨渊', '须弥', '枫丹', '沉玉谷'].includes(val.name)) {
if (val.offerings[0].name.includes('流明石')) {
val.offerings[0].name = '流明石'
if (val.offerings[0].name.includes('露景泉')) {
val.offerings[0].name = '露景泉'
if (val.offerings[0].name == '桓那兰那的梦之树') {
val.offerings[0].name = '梦之树'
name: val.offerings[0].name,
text: `${val.offerings[0].level}`
let avatar = ''
if (this.e.member?.getAvatarUrl) {
avatar = await this.e.member.getAvatarUrl()
} else if (this.e.friend?.getAvatarUrl) {
avatar = await this.e.friend.getAvatarUrl()
} else {
avatar = resIndex.role.game_head_icon
return {
saveId: this.e.uid,
uid: this.e.uid,
activeDay: this.dayCount(stats.active_day_number),
headIndexStyle: this.headIndexStyle,
gamename: resIndex?.role?.nickname ?? 0,
gameavatar: resIndex?.role?.avatar ?? 0,
gamelevel: resIndex?.role?.level ?? 0,
gamefwq: resIndex?.role?.region
initFile() {
if (imgFile['刻晴']) return imgFile
let path = './plugins/genshin/resources/img/gacha/'
let character = fs.readdirSync(path + 'character/')
let weapon = fs.readdirSync(path + 'weapon/')
let nameSet = (v) => {
let name = v.split('.')
imgFile[name[0]] = v
character.forEach(v => nameSet(v))
weapon.forEach(v => nameSet(v))
return imgFile