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import base from './base.js'
import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import moment from 'moment'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { Character, Weapon } from '#miao.models'
export default class GachaData extends base {
* @param e icqq 消息e
* @param e.user_id 用户id
constructor (e) {
this.model = 'gacha'
/** 卡池 */
this.pool = {}
/** 默认设置 */
this.def = gsCfg.getdefSet('gacha', 'gacha')
this.set = gsCfg.getGachaSet(this.e.group_id)
/** 角色武器类型 */
this.ele = gsCfg.element
/** 默认角色池 */
this.type = 'role'
/** 抽卡结果 */
this.res = []
this.fiveHave = []
this.fourHave = []
static async init (e) {
let gacha = new GachaData(e)
/** 抽卡类型 */
/** 用户抽卡数据 */
await gacha.userData()
/** 卡池 */
await gacha.getPool()
return gacha
static getImg (name, type = 'role') {
if (type === 'role' || type === '角色') {
let char = Character.get(name)
return char?.imgs?.gacha || ''
} else if (type === 'weapon' || type === '武器') {
let weapon = Weapon.get(name)
return weapon?.imgs?.gacha || ''
/** 抽卡 */
async run () {
let list = this.lottery()
/** 截图数据 */
let data = {
name: this.e.sender.card,
quality: 80,
return data
get key () {
/** 群,私聊分开 */
if (this.e.isGroup) {
return `${this.prefix}${this.e.group_id}:${this.userId}`
} else {
return `${this.prefix}private:${this.userId}`
getTpye () {
if (this.e.msg.includes('2')) this.role2 = true
if (this.e.msg.includes('武器')) this.type = 'weapon'
if (this.e.msg.includes('常驻')) this.type = 'permanent'
/** 奖池数据 */
async getPool () {
let poolArr = gsCfg.getdefSet('gacha', 'pool')
poolArr = [...poolArr].reverse()
/** 获取设置卡池 */
let NowPool = poolArr.find((val) => new Date().getTime() <= new Date(val.endTime).getTime()) || poolArr.pop()
this.NowPool = NowPool
if (this.type == 'weapon') {
let weapon4 = lodash.difference(this.def.weapon4, NowPool.weapon4)
let weapon5 = lodash.difference(this.def.weapon5, NowPool.weapon5)
this.pool = {
up4: NowPool.weapon4,
role4: this.def.role4,
up5: NowPool.weapon5,
five: weapon5
if (this.type == 'role') {
let role4 = lodash.difference(this.def.role4, NowPool.up4)
let role5 = lodash.difference(this.def.role5, NowPool.up5)
let up5 = NowPool.up5
if (this.role2) up5 = NowPool.up5_2
this.pool = {
/** up卡池 */
up4: NowPool.up4,
/** 常驻四星 */
/** 常驻四星武器 */
weapon4: this.def.weapon4,
/** 五星 */
/** 常驻五星 */
five: role5
if (this.type == 'permanent') {
this.pool = {
up4: [],
role4: this.def.role4,
weapon4: this.def.weapon4,
up5: [],
five: this.def.role5,
fiveW: this.def.weapon5
this.pool.weapon3 = this.def.weapon3
/** 用户数据 */
async userData () {
if (this.user) return this.user
let user = await redis.get(this.key)
if (user) {
user = JSON.parse(user)
/** 重置今日数据 */
if (this.getNow() > user.today.expire) {
user.today = { star: [], expire: this.getEnd().end4, num: 0, weaponNum: 0 }
/** 重置本周数据 */
if (this.getNow() > user.week.expire) {
user.week = { num: 0, expire: this.getWeekEnd() }
} else {
let commom = { num4: 0, isUp4: 0, num5: 0, isUp5: 0 }
user = {
permanent: commom,
role: commom,
weapon: {
/** 命定值 */
lifeNum: 0,
/** 定轨 0-取消 1-武器1 2-武器2 */
type: 1
today: { star: [], expire: this.getEnd().end4, num: 0, weaponNum: 0 },
week: { num: 0, expire: this.getWeekEnd() }
this.user = user
return user
* 抽奖
lottery (save = true) {
/** 十连抽 */
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
this.index = i
if (this.type == 'weapon') {
} else {
if (this.lottery5()) continue
if (this.lottery4()) continue
if (save) this.saveUser()
/** 排序 星级,角色,武器 */
this.res = lodash.orderBy(this.res, ['star', 'type', 'have', 'index'], ['desc', 'asc', 'asc', 'asc'])
return this.res
lottery5 () {
/** 是否大保底 */
let isBigUP = false
let isBing = false
let tmpChance5 = this.probability()
let type = this.type
/** 没有抽中五星 */
if (lodash.random(1, 10000) > tmpChance5) {
/** 五星保底数+1 */
return false
let nowCardNum = this.user[this.type].num5 + 1
/** 五星保底清零 */
this.user[this.type].num5 = 0
/** 四星保底数+1 */
let tmpUp = this.def.wai
/** 已经小保底 */
if (this.user[this.type].isUp5 == 1) {
tmpUp = 101
if (this.type == 'permanent') tmpUp = 0
let tmpName = ''
if (this.type == 'weapon' && this.user[this.type].lifeNum >= 2) {
/** 定轨 */
tmpName = this.getBingWeapon()
this.user[this.type].lifeNum = 0
isBing = true
} else if (lodash.random(1, 100) <= tmpUp) {
/** 当祈愿获取到5星角色时有50%的概率为本期UP角色 */
if (this.user[this.type].isUp5 == 1) isBigUP = true
/** 大保底清零 */
this.user[this.type].isUp5 = 0
/** 抽取up */
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.up5)
/** 定轨清零 */
if (tmpName == this.getBingWeapon()) {
this.user[this.type].lifeNum = 0
} else {
if (this.type == 'permanent') {
if (lodash.random(1, 100) <= 50) {
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.five)
type = 'role'
} else {
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.fiveW)
type = 'weapon'
} else {
/** 歪了 大保底+1 */
this.user[this.type].isUp5 = 1
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.five)
/** 命定值++ */
if (tmpName != this.getBingWeapon()) {
/** 记录今天五星 */
this.user.today.star.push({ name: tmpName, num: nowCardNum })
/** 本周五星数 */
let have = false
/** 重复抽中转换星辉 */
if (this.fiveHave.includes(tmpName)) {
have = true
} else {
name: tmpName,
star: 5,
num: nowCardNum,
element: this.ele[tmpName] || '',
index: this.index,
imgFile: GachaData.getImg(tmpName, type),
rand: lodash.random(1, 7)
return true
lottery4 () {
let tmpChance4 = this.def.chance4
/** 四星保底 */
if (this.user[this.type].num4 >= 9) {
tmpChance4 += 10000
} else if (this.user[this.type].num4 >= 5) {
tmpChance4 = tmpChance4 + Math.pow(this.user[this.type].num4 - 4, 2) * 500
/** 没抽中四星 */
if (lodash.random(1, 10000) > tmpChance4) {
/** 四星保底数+1 */
return false
/** 保底四星数清零 */
this.user[this.type].num4 = 0
/** 四星保底 */
let tmpUp = 50
if (this.type == 'weapon') tmpUp = 75
if (this.user[this.type].isUp4 == 1) {
this.user[this.type].isUp4 = 0
tmpUp = 100
if (this.type == 'permanent') tmpUp = 0
let type = 'role'
let tmpName = ''
/** 当祈愿获取到4星物品时有50%的概率为本期UP角色 */
if (lodash.random(1, 100) <= tmpUp) {
/** up 4星 */
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.up4)
type = this.type
} else {
this.user[this.type].isUp4 = 1
/** 一半概率武器 一半4星 */
if (lodash.random(1, 100) <= 50) {
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.role4)
type = 'role'
} else {
tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.weapon4)
type = 'weapon'
let have = false
/** 重复抽中转换星辉 */
if (this.fourHave.includes(tmpName)) {
have = true
} else {
name: tmpName,
star: 4,
element: this.ele[tmpName] || '',
index: this.index,
imgFile: GachaData.getImg(tmpName, type),
return true
lottery3 () {
/** 随机三星武器 */
let tmpName = lodash.sample(this.pool.weapon3)
name: tmpName,
star: 3,
type: 'weapon',
element: this.ele[tmpName] || '',
index: this.index,
imgFile: GachaData.getImg(tmpName, 'weapon')
return true
probability () {
let tmpChance5 = this.def.chance5
if (this.type == 'role' || this.type == 'permanent') {
/** 增加双黄概率 */
if (this.user.week.num == 1) {
tmpChance5 *= 2
/** 保底 */
if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 90) {
tmpChance5 = 10000
} else if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 74) {
/** 74抽之后逐渐增加概率 */
tmpChance5 = 590 + (this.user[this.type].num5 - 74) * 530
} else if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 60) {
/** 60抽之后逐渐增加概率 */
tmpChance5 = this.def.chance5 + (this.user[this.type].num5 - 50) * 40
if (this.type == 'weapon') {
tmpChance5 = this.def.chanceW5
/** 增加双黄概率 */
if (this.user.week.num == 1) {
tmpChance5 = tmpChance5 * 3
/** 80次都没中五星 */
if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 80) {
tmpChance5 = 10000
} else if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 62) {
/** 62抽后逐渐增加概率 */
tmpChance5 = tmpChance5 + (this.user[this.type].num5 - 61) * 700
} else if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 45) {
/** 50抽后逐渐增加概率 */
tmpChance5 = tmpChance5 + (this.user[this.type].num5 - 45) * 60
} else if (this.user[this.type].num5 >= 10 && this.user[this.type].num5 <= 20) {
tmpChance5 = tmpChance5 + (this.user[this.type].num5 - 10) * 30
return tmpChance5
/** 获取定轨的武器 */
getBingWeapon (sortName = false) {
if (this.type != 'weapon') return false
let name = this.pool.up5[this.user[this.type].type - 1]
if (sortName) name = gsCfg.shortName(name, true)
return name
lotteryInfo () {
let info = `累计「${this.user[this.type].num5}抽」`
let nowFive = 0
let nowFour = 0
this.res.forEach((v, i) => {
if (v.star == 5) {
if (v.type == 'role') {
let char = Character.get(v.name)
info = char?.abbr || ''
} else {
let weapon = Weapon.get(v.name)
info = weapon.abbr || ''
info += `${v.num}抽」`
if (v.isBigUP) info += '大保底'
if (v.isBing) info += '定轨'
if (v.star == 4) {
let poolName = `角色池:${gsCfg.shortName(this.pool.up5[0])}`
if (this.type == 'permanent') poolName = '常驻池'
let res = {
isWeapon: this.type == 'weapon',
bingWeapon: this.getBingWeapon(true),
lifeNum: this.user[this.type]?.lifeNum || 0
logger.debug(`[${poolName}] [五星数:${nowFive}] [${info}] [定轨:${res.lifeNum}]`)
return res
async saveUser () {
this.user.today.expire = this.getEnd().end4
await redis.setEx(this.key, 3600 * 24 * 14, JSON.stringify(this.user))
getNow () {
return moment().format('X')
getEnd () {
let end = moment().endOf('day').format('X')
let end4 = 3600 * 4
if (moment().format('k') < 4) {
end4 += Number(moment().startOf('day').format('X'))
} else {
end4 += Number(end)
return { end, end4 }
getWeekEnd () {
return Number(moment().day(7).endOf('day').format('X'))