import cfg from '../../lib/config/config.js' import plugin from '../../lib/plugins/plugin.js' import fs from 'node:fs' import lodash from 'lodash' import { segment } from 'icqq' import { pipeline } from 'stream' import { promisify } from 'util' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import moment from 'moment' let textArr = {} export class add extends plugin { constructor () { super({ name: '添加表情', dsc: '添加表情,文字等', event: 'message', priority: 50000, rule: [ { reg: '^#(全局)?添加(.*)', fnc: 'add' }, { reg: '^#(全局)?删除(.*)', fnc: 'del' }, { reg: '(.*)', fnc: 'getText', log: false }, { reg: '#(全局)?(表情|词条)(.*)', fnc: 'list' } ] }) this.path = './data/textJson/' this.facePath = './data/face/' /** 全局表情标记 */ this.isGlobal = false } async init () { if (!fs.existsSync(this.path)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.path) } if (!fs.existsSync(this.facePath)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.facePath) } } async accept () { /** 处理消息 */ if (this.e.atBot && this.e.msg && this.e?.msg.includes('添加') && !this.e?.msg.includes('#')) { this.e.msg = '#' + this.e.msg } } /** 群号key */ get grpKey () { return `Yz:group_id:${this.e.user_id}` } /** #添加 */ async add () { this.isGlobal = this.e?.msg.includes("全局"); await this.getGroupId() if (!this.group_id) { this.e.reply('请先在群内触发表情,确定添加的群') return } this.initTextArr() if (!this.checkAuth()) return if (!this.checkKeyWord()) return if (await this.singleAdd()) return /** 获取关键词 */ this.getKeyWord() if (!this.keyWord) { this.e.reply('添加错误:没有关键词') return } this.setContext('addContext') await this.e.reply('请发送添加内容', false, { at: true }) } /** 获取群号 */ async getGroupId () { /** 添加全局表情,存入到机器人qq文件中 */ if (this.isGlobal) { this.group_id =; return; } if (this.e.isGroup) { this.group_id = this.e.group_id redis.setEx(this.grpKey, 3600 * 24 * 30, String(this.group_id)) return this.group_id } // redis获取 let groupId = await redis.get(this.grpKey) if (groupId) { this.group_id = groupId return this.group_id } return false } checkAuth () { if (this.e.isMaster) return true let groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(this.group_id) if (groupCfg.imgAddLimit == 2) { this.e.reply('暂无权限,只有主人才能操作') return false } if (groupCfg.imgAddLimit == 1) { if (! { return false } if (! { return false } if (!this.e.member.is_admin) { this.e.reply('暂无权限,只有管理员才能操作') return false } } if (!this.e.isGroup && groupCfg.addPrivate != 1) { this.e.reply('禁止私聊添加') return false } return true } checkKeyWord () { if (this.e.img && this.e.img.length > 1) { this.e.reply('添加错误:只能发送一个表情当关键词') return false } if ( { let at = lodash.filter(this.e.message, (o) => { return o.type == 'at' && o.qq != }) if (at.length > 1) { this.e.reply('添加错误:只能@一个人当关键词') return false } } if (this.e.img && { this.e.reply('添加错误:没有关键词') return false } return true } /** 单独添加 */ async singleAdd () { if (this.e.message.length != 2) return false let msg = lodash.keyBy(this.e.message, 'type') if (!this.e.msg || !msg.image) return false // #全局添加文字+表情包,无法正确添加到全局路径 this.e.isGlobal = this.isGlobal; let keyWord = this.e.msg.replace(/#|#|图片|表情|添加|全局/g, '').trim() if (!keyWord) return false this.keyWord = this.trimAlias(keyWord) this.e.keyWord = this.keyWord if (this.e.msg.includes('添加图片')) { this.e.addImg = true } this.e.message = [msg.image] await this.addContext() return true } /** 获取添加关键词 */ getKeyWord () { this.e.isGlobal = this.e.msg.includes("全局"); this.keyWord = this.e.toString() .trim() /** 过滤#添加 */ .replace(/#|#|图片|表情|添加|删除|全局/g, '') /** 过滤@ */ .replace(new RegExp('{at:' + + '}', 'g'), '') .trim() this.keyWord = this.trimAlias(this.keyWord) this.e.keyWord = this.keyWord if (this.e.msg.includes('添加图片')) { this.e.addImg = true } } /** 过滤别名 */ trimAlias (msg) { let groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(this.group_id) let alias = groupCfg.botAlias if (!Array.isArray(alias)) { alias = [alias] } for (let name of alias) { if (msg.startsWith(name)) { msg = lodash.trimStart(msg, name).trim() } } return msg } /** 添加内容 */ async addContext () { this.isGlobal = this.e.isGlobal || this.getContext()?.addContext?.isGlobal; await this.getGroupId() /** 关键词 */ let keyWord = this.keyWord || this.getContext()?.addContext?.keyWord let addImg = this.e.addImg || this.getContext()?.addContext?.addImg /** 添加内容 */ let message = this.e.message let retMsg = this.getRetMsg() this.finish('addContext') for (let i in message) { if (message[i].type == 'at') { if (message[i].qq == { this.e.reply('添加内容不能@机器人!') return } } if (message[i].type == 'file') { this.e.reply('添加错误:禁止添加文件') return } } if (message.length == 1 && message[0].type == 'image') { let local = await this.saveImg(message[0].url, keyWord) if (!local) return message[0].local = local message[0].asface = true if (addImg) message[0].asface = false } if (!textArr[this.group_id]) textArr[this.group_id] = new Map() /** 支持单个关键词添加多个 */ let text = textArr[this.group_id].get(keyWord) if (text) { text.push(message) textArr[this.group_id].set(keyWord, text) } else { text = [message] textArr[this.group_id].set(keyWord, text) } if (text.length > 1 && retMsg[0].type != 'image') { retMsg.push(String(text.length)) } retMsg.unshift('添加成功:') this.saveJson() this.e.reply(retMsg) } /** 添加成功回复消息 */ getRetMsg () { let retMsg = this.getContext() let msg = '' if (retMsg?.addContext?.message) { msg = retMsg.addContext.message for (let i in msg) { if (msg[i].type == 'text' && msg[i].text.includes('添加')) { msg[i].text = this.trimAlias(msg[i].text) msg[i].text = msg[i].text.trim().replace(/#|#|图片|表情|添加|全局/g, '') if (!msg[i].text) delete msg[i] continue } if (msg[i].type == 'at') { if (msg[i].qq == { delete msg[i] continue } else { msg[i].text = '' } } } } if (!msg && this.keyWord) { msg = [this.keyWord] } return lodash.compact(msg) } saveJson () { let obj = {} for (let [k, v] of textArr[this.group_id]) { obj[k] = v } fs.writeFileSync(`${this.path}${this.group_id}.json`, JSON.stringify(obj, '', '\t')) } saveGlobalJson() { let obj = {}; for (let [k, v] of textArr[]) { obj[k] = v; } fs.writeFileSync( `${this.path}${}.json`, JSON.stringify(obj, "", "\t") ); } async saveImg (url, keyWord) { let groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(this.group_id) let savePath = `${this.facePath}${this.group_id}/` if (!fs.existsSync(savePath)) { fs.mkdirSync(savePath) } const response = await fetch(url) keyWord = keyWord.replace(/\.|\\|\/|:|\*|\?|<|>|\|"/g, '_') if (!response.ok) { this.e.reply('添加图片下载失败。。') return false } let imgSize = (response.headers.get('size') / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) if (imgSize > 1024 * 1024 * groupCfg.imgMaxSize) { this.e.reply(`添加失败:表情太大了,${imgSize}m`) return false } let type = response.headers.get('content-type').split('/')[1] if (type == 'jpeg') type = 'jpg' if (fs.existsSync(`${savePath}${keyWord}.${type}`)) { keyWord = `${keyWord}_${moment().format('X')}` } savePath = `${savePath}${keyWord}.${type}` const streamPipeline = promisify(pipeline) await streamPipeline(response.body, fs.createWriteStream(savePath)) return savePath } async getText () { if (!this.e.message) return false this.isGlobal = false await this.getGroupId() if (!this.group_id) return false this.initTextArr() this.initGlobalTextArr() let keyWord = this.e.toString() .replace(/#|#/g, '') .replace(`{at:${}}`, '') .trim() keyWord = this.trimAlias(keyWord) let num = 0 if (isNaN(keyWord)) { num = keyWord.charAt(keyWord.length - 1) if (!isNaN(num) && !textArr[this.group_id].has(keyWord) && !textArr[].has(keyWord)) { keyWord = lodash.trimEnd(keyWord, num).trim() num-- } } let msg = textArr[this.group_id].get(keyWord) || [] let globalMsg = textArr[].get(keyWord) || [] if (lodash.isEmpty(msg) && lodash.isEmpty(globalMsg)) return false msg = [...msg, ...globalMsg] if (num >= 0 && num < msg.length) { msg = msg[num] } else { /** 随机获取一个 */ num = lodash.random(0, msg.length - 1) msg = msg[num] } if (msg[0] && msg[0].local) { if (fs.existsSync(msg[0].local)) { let tmp = segment.image(msg[0].local) tmp.asface = msg[0].asface msg = tmp } else { // this.e.reply(`表情已删除:${keyWord}`) return } } if (Array.isArray(msg)) { msg.forEach(m => { /** 去除回复@@ */ if (m?.type == 'at') { delete m.text } }) } logger.mark(`[发送表情]${this.e.logText} ${keyWord}`) let ret = await this.e.reply(msg) if (!ret) { this.expiredMsg(keyWord, num) } return true } expiredMsg (keyWord, num) { logger.mark(`[发送表情]${this.e.logText} ${keyWord} 表情已过期失效`) let arr = textArr[this.group_id].get(keyWord) arr.splice(num, 1) if (arr.length <= 0) { textArr[this.group_id].delete(keyWord) } else { textArr[this.group_id].set(keyWord, arr) } this.saveJson() } /** 初始化已添加内容 */ initTextArr () { if (textArr[this.group_id]) return textArr[this.group_id] = new Map() let path = `${this.path}${this.group_id}.json` if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { return } try { let text = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')) for (let i in text) { if (text[i][0] && !Array.isArray(text[i][0])) { text[i] = [text[i]] } textArr[this.group_id].set(String(i), text[i]) } } catch (error) { logger.error(`json格式错误:${path}`) delete textArr[this.group_id] return false } /** 加载表情 */ let facePath = `${this.facePath}${this.group_id}` if (fs.existsSync(facePath)) { const files = fs.readdirSync(`${this.facePath}${this.group_id}`).filter(file => /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/g.test(file)) for (let val of files) { let tmp = val.split('.') tmp[0] = tmp[0].replace(/_[0-9]{10}$/, '') if (/at|image/g.test(val)) continue if (textArr[this.group_id].has(tmp[0])) continue textArr[this.group_id].set(tmp[0], [[{ local: `${facePath}/${val}`, asface: true }]]) } this.saveJson() } else { fs.mkdirSync(facePath) } } /** 初始化全局已添加内容 */ initGlobalTextArr() { if (textArr[]) return; textArr[] = new Map(); let globalPath = `${this.path}${}.json`; if (!fs.existsSync(globalPath)) { return; } try { let text = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(globalPath, "utf8")); for (let i in text) { if (text[i][0] && !Array.isArray(text[i][0])) { text[i] = [text[i]]; } textArr[].set(String(i), text[i]); } } catch (error) { logger.error(`json格式错误:${globalPath}`); delete textArr[]; return false; } /** 加载表情 */ let globalFacePath = `${this.facePath}${}`; if (fs.existsSync(globalFacePath)) { const files = fs .readdirSync(`${this.facePath}${}`) .filter((file) => /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/g.test(file)); for (let val of files) { let tmp = val.split("."); tmp[0] = tmp[0].replace(/_[0-9]{10}$/, ""); if (/at|image/g.test(val)) continue; if (textArr[].has(tmp[0])) continue; textArr[].set(tmp[0], [ [ { local: `${globalFacePath}/${val}`, asface: true, }, ], ]); } this.saveGlobalJson(); } else { fs.mkdirSync(globalFacePath); } } async del () { this.isGlobal = this.e?.msg.includes("全局"); await this.getGroupId() if (!this.group_id) return false if (!this.checkAuth()) return this.initTextArr() let keyWord = this.e.toString().replace(/#|#|图片|表情|删除|全部|全局/g, '') keyWord = this.trimAlias(keyWord) let num = false let index = 0 if (isNaN(keyWord)) { num = keyWord.charAt(keyWord.length - 1) if (!isNaN(num) && !textArr[this.group_id].has(keyWord)) { keyWord = lodash.trimEnd(keyWord, num).trim() index = num - 1 } else { num = false } } let arr = textArr[this.group_id].get(keyWord) if (!arr) { // await this.e.reply(`暂无此表情:${keyWord}`) return false } let tmp = [] if (num) { if (!arr[index]) { // await this.e.reply(`暂无此表情:${keyWord}${num}`) return false } tmp = arr[index] arr.splice(index, 1) if (arr.length <= 0) { textArr[this.group_id].delete(keyWord) } else { textArr[this.group_id].set(keyWord, arr) } } else { if (this.e.msg.includes('删除全部')) { tmp = arr arr = [] } else { tmp = arr.pop() } if (arr.length <= 0) { textArr[this.group_id].delete(keyWord) } else { textArr[this.group_id].set(keyWord, arr) } } if (!num) num = '' let retMsg = [{ type: 'text', text: '删除成功:' }] for (let msg of this.e.message) { if (msg.type == 'text') { msg.text = msg.text.replace(/#|#|图片|表情|删除|全部|全局/g, '') if (!msg.text) continue } retMsg.push(msg) } if (num > 0) { retMsg.push({ type: 'text', text: num }) } await this.e.reply(retMsg) /** 删除图片 */ tmp.forEach(item => { let img = item if (Array.isArray(item)) { img = item[0] } if (img.local) { fs.unlink(img.local, () => {}) } }) this.saveJson() } async list () { this.isGlobal = this.e?.msg.includes("全局"); let page = 1 let pageSize = 100 let type = 'list' await this.getGroupId() if (!this.group_id) return false this.initTextArr() let search = this.e.msg.replace(/#|#|表情|词条|全局/g, '') if (search.includes('列表')) { page = search.replace(/列表/g, '') || 1 } else { type = 'search' } let list = textArr[this.group_id] if (lodash.isEmpty(list)) { await this.e.reply('暂无表情') return } let arr = [] for (let [k, v] of textArr[this.group_id]) { if (type == 'list') { arr.push({ key: k, val: v, num: arr.length + 1 }) } else if (k.includes(search)) { /** 搜索表情 */ arr.push({ key: k, val: v, num: arr.length + 1 }) } } let count = arr.length arr = arr.reverse() if (type == 'list') { arr = this.pagination(page, pageSize, arr) } if (lodash.isEmpty(arr)) { return } let msg = [] let num = 0 for (let i in arr) { if (num >= page * pageSize) break let keyWord = await this.keyWordTran(arr[i].key) if (!keyWord) continue if (Array.isArray(keyWord)) { keyWord.unshift(`${arr[i].num}、`) keyWord.push('\n') keyWord.forEach(v => msg.push(v)) } else if (keyWord.type) { msg.push(`\n${arr[i].num}、`, keyWord, '\n\n') } else { msg.push(`${arr[i].num}、${keyWord}\n`) } num++ } let end = '' if (type == 'list' && count > 100) { end = `更多内容请翻页查看\n如:#表情列表${Number(page) + 1}` } let title = `表情列表,第${page}页,共${count}条` if (type == 'search') { title = `表情${search},${count}条` } let forwardMsg = await this.makeForwardMsg(, title, msg, end) this.e.reply(forwardMsg) } async makeForwardMsg (qq, title, msg, end = '') { let nickname = if (this.e.isGroup) { let info = await, qq) nickname = info.card ?? info.nickname } let userInfo = { user_id:, nickname } let forwardMsg = [ { ...userInfo, message: title } ] let msgArr = lodash.chunk(msg, 40) msgArr.forEach(v => { v[v.length - 1] = lodash.trim(v[v.length - 1], '\n') forwardMsg.push({ ...userInfo, message: v }) }) if (end) { forwardMsg.push({ ...userInfo, message: end }) } /** 制作转发内容 */ if (this.e.isGroup) { forwardMsg = await } else { forwardMsg = await this.e.friend.makeForwardMsg(forwardMsg) } /** 处理描述 */ = .replace(/\n/g, '') .replace(/(.+?)<\/title>/g, '___') .replace(/___+/, `<title color="#777777" size="26">${title}`) return forwardMsg } /** 分页 */ pagination (pageNo, pageSize, array) { let offset = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize return offset + pageSize >= array.length ? array.slice(offset, array.length) : array.slice(offset, offset + pageSize) } /** 关键词转换成可发送消息 */ async keyWordTran (msg) { /** 图片 */ if (msg.includes('{image')) { let tmp = msg.split('{image') if (tmp.length > 2) return false let md5 = tmp[1].replace(/}|_|:/g, '') msg = segment.image(`${md5}/0`) msg.asface = true } else if (msg.includes('{at:')) { let tmp = msg.match(/{at:(.+?)}/g) for (let qq of tmp) { qq = qq.match(/[1-9][0-9]{4,14}/g)[0] let member = await await, Number(qq)).catch(() => { }) let name = member?.card ?? member?.nickname if (!name) continue msg = msg.replace(`{at:${qq}}`, `@${name}`) } } else if (msg.includes('{face')) { let tmp = msg.match(/{face(:|_)(.+?)}/g) if (!tmp) return msg msg = [] for (let face of tmp) { let id = face.match(/\d+/g) msg.push(segment.face(id)) } } return msg } }