import plugin from '../../../lib/plugins/plugin.js' import common from '../../../lib/common/common.js' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import lodash from 'lodash' import MysInfo from '../model/mys/mysInfo.js' export class exchange extends plugin { constructor (e) { super({ name: '兑换码', dsc: '前瞻直播兑换码', event: 'message', priority: 1000, rule: [ { reg: '^#*(直播|前瞻)*兑换码$', fnc: 'getCode' }, { reg: '#(兑换码使用|cdk-u) .+', fnc: 'useCode' } ] }) } async getCode () { = parseInt( / 1000) let actid = await this.getActId() if (!actid) return this.actId = actid /** index info */ let index = await this.getData('index') if (!index || ! return if( === null){ return await this.reply(`错误:\n${index.message}`) } this.mi18n = let mi18n = await this.getData('mi18n') if ( > 0) { let version = mi18n['act-title'].match(/\d.\d/g) return await this.reply(`暂无直播兑换码\n${version}版本前瞻${mi18n['empty-code-text']}`) } let code = await this.getData('code') if (!code) return code =, 'code') let msg = '' if (code.length >= 3) { msg = [`${mi18n['act-title']}-直播兑换码`, `${mi18n['exchange-tips']}`, ...code] msg = await common.makeForwardMsg(this.e, msg, msg[0]) } else if (this.e.msg.includes('#')) { msg += code.join('\n') } else { msg = `${mi18n['act-title']}-直播兑换码\n` msg += `${mi18n['exchange-tips']}\n\n` msg += code.join('\n') } await this.reply(msg) } async getData (type) { let url = { index: `${this.actId}`, mi18n: `${this.mi18n}/${this.mi18n}-zh-cn.json`, code: `${this.actId}.json?version=1&time=${}`, actId: "", } let response try { response = await fetch(url[type], { method: 'get' }) } catch (error) { logger.error(error.toString()) return false } if (!response.ok) { logger.error(`[兑换码接口错误][${type}] ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`) return false } const res = await response.json() return res } // async getActId () { // let ret = await this.getData('actId') // if (!ret || ret.retcode !== 0) return false // let post =, 'post') // post = lodash.maxBy(post, 'created_at') // let actId = post.content.replace(/\[链接\]|\[图片\]/g, '').trim() // if (!actId) return false // return actId // } async getActId() { // 获取 "act_id" let ret = await this.getData('actId') if (ret.error || ret.retcode !== 0) { return ""; } let actId = ""; let keywords = ["来看《原神》", "版本前瞻特别节目"]; for (const p of { const post =; if (!post) { continue; } if (!keywords.every((word) => post.subject.includes(word))) { continue; } let shit = JSON.parse(post.structured_content); for (let segment of shit) { if (segment.insert.toString().includes('观看直播') && { let matched =\d{8}ys\d{4})/); if (matched) { actId = matched[1]; } } } if (actId) { break; } } return actId; } async useCode(){ let cdkCode = this.e.message[0].text.split(/#(兑换码使用|cdk-u) /, 3)[2]; let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'useCdk',{cdk:cdkCode}) if(res){ this.e.reply(`${}`) } } }