import base from './base.js' import MysInfo from './mys/mysInfo.js' import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js' import lodash from 'lodash' export default class RoleBag extends base { constructor (e) { super(e) this.model = 'roleBag' } static async get (e) { let roleBag = new RoleBag(e) return await roleBag.getData() } /** #武器 */ async getData (e) { let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'character') if (!res || res.retcode !== 0) return false let avatars = if (avatars.length <= 0) { return true } /** 截图数据 */ let data = { ...this.screenData, saveId: this.e.uid, uid: this.e.uid, ...this.dealData(avatars) } return data } dealData (avatars) { let type = 'all' if (avatars.length > 8) { if (/(.*)(四星|4星)(.*)/.test(this.e.msg)) { type = 4 } if (/(.*)(五星|5星)(.*)/.test(this.e.msg)) { type = 5 } } let costumes = gsCfg.getdefSet('role', 'other').costumes let sortName = gsCfg.getdefSet('role', 'other').sortName let list = [] for (let val of avatars) { let rarity = val.rarity if (val.rarity > 5) { rarity = 5 } if (type != 'all' && rarity != type) { continue } val.sort = rarity * 100000 + val.actived_constellation_num * 10000 + val.level * 100 + ( - 10000000) // 增加神里排序 if ( == 10000002) { val.sort += 50 } if (val.rarity > 5) { val.sort = val.sort - ( - 10000000) } val.sortLevel = val.level val.weapon.showName = sortName[] ?? = gsCfg.roleIdToName( if ( == 10000005 || == 10000007) { val.sort = 0 } val.costumesLogo = '' if (val.costumes && val.costumes.length >= 1) { for (let v of val.costumes) { if (costumes.includes( { val.costumesLogo = 2 break } } } list.push(val) } list = lodash.chain(list).orderBy(['sortLevel'], ['desc']).orderBy(['sort'], ['desc']).value() let num = list.length return { list, num } } }