import MysApi from './mysApi.js' import GsCfg from '../gsCfg.js' import lodash from 'lodash' import NoteUser from './NoteUser.js' import MysUser from './MysUser.js' import DailyCache from './DailyCache.js' export default class MysInfo { static tips = '请先#绑定cookie\n发送【体力帮助】查看配置教程' constructor (e) { if (e) { this.e = e this.userId = String(e.user_id) } /** 当前查询原神uid */ this.uid = '' /** 当前ck信息 */ this.ckInfo = { ck: '', uid: '', qq: '', ltuid: '', type: '' } // ck对应MysUser对象 this.ckUser = null this.auth = ['dailyNote', 'bbs_sign_info', 'bbs_sign_home', 'bbs_sign', 'ys_ledger', 'compute', 'avatarSkill', 'detail', 'blueprint'] } static async init (e, api) { await MysInfo.initCache() let mysInfo = new MysInfo(e) let onlySelfCk = false if (mysInfo.checkAuth(api)) { /** 获取ck绑定uid */ mysInfo.uid = await MysInfo.getSelfUid(e) // 标记需要自身ck onlySelfCk = true } else { /** 获取uid */ mysInfo.uid = await MysInfo.getUid(e) } if (!mysInfo.uid) { e.noTips = true return false } if (!['1', '2', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'].includes(String(mysInfo.uid)[0])) { // e.reply('只支持查询国服uid') return false } if (!['6', '7', '8', '9'].includes(String(mysInfo.uid)[0]) && api === 'useCdk') { e.reply('兑换码使用只支持国际服uid') return false } mysInfo.e.uid = mysInfo.uid /** 获取ck */ await mysInfo.getCookie(onlySelfCk) /** 判断回复 */ await mysInfo.checkReply() return mysInfo } static async getNoteUser (e) { await MysInfo.initCache() let user = await NoteUser.create(e) if (user) { // 强制读取一次ck,防止一些问题 user._getCkData() return user } return false } /** * 获取UID * @param e * @param matchMsgUid 用于判断消息是否为uid数据 * @returns {Promise} */ static async getUid (e, matchMsgUid = true) { let user = await NoteUser.create(e) if (e.uid && matchMsgUid) { /** 没有绑定的自动绑定 */ return await user.setRegUid(e.uid, false) } let { msg = '', at = '' } = e if (!msg) return false let uid /** at用户 */ if (at) { let atUser = await NoteUser.create(at) uid = atUser.uid if (uid) return String(uid) if (e.noTips !== true) e.reply('尚未绑定uid', false, { at }) return false } let matchUid = (msg = '') => { let ret = /[125-9][0-9]{8}/g.exec(msg) if (!ret) return false return ret[0] } // 消息携带UID、当前用户UID、群名片携带UID 依次获取 uid = matchUid(msg) || user.uid || matchUid(e.sender.card) if (!matchMsgUid) uid = user.uid if (uid) { /** 没有绑定的自动绑定 */ return await user.setRegUid(uid, false) } if (e.noTips !== true) e.reply('请先#绑定uid', false, { at }) return false } /** * 获取ck绑定uid * @param e * @returns {Promise} */ static async getSelfUid (e) { let { msg = '', at = '' } = e if (!msg) return false let user = await NoteUser.create(e) let selfUser = at ? await NoteUser.create(at) : user if (!selfUser.hasCk) { if (e.noTips !== true) e.reply('尚未绑定cookie', false, { at: selfUser.qq }) return false } return selfUser.uid } /** 判断绑定ck才能查询 */ checkAuth (api) { if (api === 'cookie') { return true } if (lodash.isObject(api)) { for (let i in api) { if (this.auth.includes(i)) { return true } } } else if (this.auth.includes(api)) { return true } return false } /** * @param e * @param e.apiSync 多个请求时是否同步请求 * @param e.noTips 是否回复提示,用于第一次调用才提示,后续不再提示 * @param api * * `index` 米游社原神首页宝箱等数据 * * `spiralAbyss` 原神深渊 * * `character` 原神角色详情 * * `dailyNote` 原神树脂 * * `bbs_sign` 米游社原神签到 * * `detail` 详情 * * `ys_ledger` 札记 * * `compute` 养成计算器 * * `avatarSkill` 角色技能 * @param data 查询数据data * @param option 配置 * @param option.log 是否显示请求日志 */ static async get (e, api, data = {}, option = {}) { let mysInfo = await MysInfo.init(e, api) if (!mysInfo.uid || ! return false e.uid = mysInfo.uid let mysApi = new MysApi(mysInfo.uid,, option,e.isSr) let res if (lodash.isObject(api)) { let all = [] /** 同步请求 */ if (e.apiSync) { res = [] for (let i in api) { res.push(await mysApi.getData(i, api[i])) } } else { lodash.forEach(api, (v, i) => { all.push(mysApi.getData(i, v)) }) res = await Promise.all(all) } for (let i in res) { res[i] = await mysInfo.checkCode(res[i], res[i].api) if (res[i]?.retcode === 0) continue break } } else { res = await mysApi.getData(api, data) res = await mysInfo.checkCode(res, api) } return res } async checkReply () { if (this.e.noTips === true) return if (!this.uid) { this.e.reply('请先#绑定uid') } if (! { this.e.reply('暂无可用CK,请绑定更多用户或设置公共ck..') } this.e.noTips = true } /* 获取请求所需ck */ /** * 获取请求所需CK * @param onlySelfCk 是否只获取uid自己对应的ck。为true则只获取uid对应ck,若无则返回为空 * @returns {Promise} 查询ck,获取失败则返回空 */ async getCookie(onlySelfCk = false) { if ( return let mysUser = await MysUser.getByQueryUid(this.uid, onlySelfCk) if (mysUser) { if (mysUser.ckData?.ck) { this.ckInfo = mysUser.ckData this.ckUser = mysUser // 暂时直接记录请求uid,后期优化分析MysApi请求结果分状态记录结果 await mysUser.addQueryUid(this.uid) } else { // 重新分配 await mysUser.disable() return onlySelfCk ? '' : await this.getCookie() } } return } /** * 初始化公共CK * @returns {Promise} */ static async initPubCk() { // 初始化公共CK let pubCount = 0 let pubCks = GsCfg.getConfig('mys', 'pubCk') || [] for (let ck of pubCks) { let pubUser = await MysUser.create(ck) if (pubUser) { let ret = await pubUser.initCache({ qq: 'pub' }) if (ret) { pubCount++ } if (pubCount >= 20) { break } } } logger.mark(`加载公共ck:${pubCount}个`) } /** * 初始化用户CK * 默认会将用户CK加入查询池 * @returns {Promise} */ static async initUserCk() { // 初始化用户缓存 let userCount = 0 await NoteUser.forEach(async function (user) { userCount += await user.initCache(true) }) logger.mark(`加载用户UID:${userCount}个,加入查询池`) } /** * 初始化缓存 * @param force 若已经初始化是否强制初始化 * @param clearData 强制初始化时是否清除已有数据 (刷新/重置) * @returns {Promise} */ static async initCache(force = false, clearData = false) { // 检查缓存标记 let cache = DailyCache.create() if (!force && await cache.get('cache-ready')) { return true } await DailyCache.clearOutdatedData() if (clearData) { await MysUser.clearCache() } // 先初始化用户CK,减少一些公共CK中ltuid无法识别的情况 await MysInfo.initUserCk() await cache.set('cache-ready', new Date() * 1) // 初始化公共ck await MysInfo.initPubCk() return true } async checkCode(res, type) { if (!res) { this.e.reply('米游社接口请求失败,暂时无法查询') return false } res.retcode = Number(res.retcode) if (type === 'bbs_sign') { if ([-5003].includes(res.retcode)) { res.retcode = 0 } } switch (res.retcode) { case 0: break case -1: case -100: case 1001: case 10001: case 10103: if (/(登录|login)/i.test(res.message)) { if (this.ckInfo.uid) { logger.mark(`[ck失效][uid:${this.uid}][qq:${this.userId}]`) this.e.reply(`UID:${this.ckInfo.uid},米游社cookie已失效`) } else { logger.mark(`[公共ck失效][ltuid:${this.ckInfo.ltuid}]`) this.e.reply('米游社查询失败,请稍后再试') } await this.delCk() } else { this.e.reply(`米游社接口报错,暂时无法查询:${res.message}`) } break case 1008: this.e.reply('\n请先去米游社绑定角色', false, { at: this.userId }) break case 10101: await this.disableToday() this.e.reply('查询已达今日上限') break case 10102: if (res.message === 'Data is not public for the user') { this.e.reply(`\nUID:${this.uid},米游社数据未公开`, false, { at: this.userId }) } else { this.e.reply(`uid:${this.uid},请先去米游社绑定角色`) } break // 伙伴不存在~ case -1002: if (res.api === 'detail') res.retcode = 0 break case 1034: logger.mark(`[米游社查询失败][uid:${this.uid}][qq:${this.userId}] 遇到验证码`) this.e.reply('米游社查询遇到验证码,请稍后再试') break default: this.e.reply(`米游社接口报错,暂时无法查询:${res.message || 'error'}`) break } if (res.retcode !== 0) { logger.mark(`[mys接口报错]${JSON.stringify(res)},uid:${this.uid}`) } // 添加请求记录 await this.ckUser.addQueryUid(this.uid) return res } /** 删除失效ck */ async delCk() { if (!this.ckUser) { return false } let ckUser = this.ckUser // 删除记录,并清除对应user ck记录 await ckUser.delWithUser() } /** 查询次数满,今日内标记失效 */ async disableToday() { /** 统计次数设为超限 */ await this.ckUser.disable() } static async getBingCkUid() { let res = await GsCfg.getBingCk() return { } } // 获取uid绑定的ck信息 static async checkUidBing(uid) { let ckUser = await MysUser.getByQueryUid(uid, true) if (ckUser && ckUser.ckData) { return ckUser.ckData } return false } static async delDisable() { return await MysUser.delDisable() } }