import util from 'node:util' import fs from 'node:fs/promises' import lodash from 'lodash' import cfg from '../config/config.js' import plugin from './plugin.js' import schedule from 'node-schedule' import { segment } from 'icqq' import chokidar from 'chokidar' import moment from 'moment' import path from 'node:path' import Runtime from './runtime.js' import Handler from './handler.js' segment.button = () => '' /** 全局变量 plugin */ global.plugin = plugin global.segment = segment /** * 加载插件 */ class PluginsLoader { constructor () { this.priority = [] this.handler = {} this.task = [] this.dir = 'plugins' /** 命令冷却cd */ this.groupGlobalCD = {} this.singleCD = {} /** 插件监听 */ this.watcher = {} this.eventMap = { message: ["post_type", "message_type", "sub_type"], notice: ["post_type", "notice_type", "sub_type"], request: ["post_type", "request_type", "sub_type"], } this.msgThrottle = {} /** 星铁命令前缀 */ this.srReg = /^#?(\*|星铁|星轨|穹轨|星穹|崩铁|星穹铁道|崩坏星穹铁道|铁道)+/ } async getPlugins() { const files = await fs.readdir(this.dir, { withFileTypes: true }) const ret = [] for (const val of files) { if (val.isFile()) continue const tmp = { name:, path: `../../${this.dir}/${}`, } try { if (await fs.stat(`${this.dir}/${}/index.js`)) { tmp.path = `${tmp.path}/index.js` ret.push(tmp) continue } } catch (err) {} const apps = await fs.readdir(`${this.dir}/${}`, { withFileTypes: true }) for (const app of apps) { if (!app.isFile()) continue if (!'.js')) continue ret.push({ name: `${}/${}`, path: `${tmp.path}/${}`, }) /** 监听热更新 */, } } return ret } /** * 监听事件加载 * @param isRefresh 是否刷新 */ async load(isRefresh = false) { if (isRefresh) this.priority = [] if (this.priority.length) return const files = await this.getPlugins()'-----------')'加载插件中...') this.pluginCount = 0 const packageErr = [] await Promise.allSettled( => this.importPlugin(file, packageErr) )) this.packageTips(packageErr) this.createTask()`加载定时任务[${this.task.length}个]`)`加载插件[${this.pluginCount}个]`) /** 优先级排序 */ this.priority = lodash.orderBy(this.priority, ['priority'], ['asc']) } async importPlugin(file, packageErr) { try { let app = await import(file.path) if (app.apps) app = { } const pluginArray = [] lodash.forEach(app, p => pluginArray.push(this.loadPlugin(file, p)) ) for (const i of await Promise.allSettled(pluginArray)) if (i?.status && i.status != 'fulfilled') { logger.error(`加载插件错误:${}`) logger.error(decodeURI(i.reason)) } } catch (error) { if (packageErr && error.stack.includes('Cannot find package')) { packageErr.push({ error, file }) } else { logger.error(`加载插件错误:${}`) logger.error(decodeURI(error.stack)) } } } async loadPlugin(file, p) { if (!p?.prototype) return this.pluginCount++ const plugin = new p logger.debug(`加载插件 [${}][${}]`) /** 执行初始化,返回 return 则跳过加载 */ if (plugin.init && await plugin.init() == 'return') return /** 初始化定时任务 */ this.collectTask(plugin.task) this.priority.push({ class: p, key:, name:, priority: plugin.priority }) if (plugin.handler) { lodash.forEach(plugin.handler, ({ fn, key, priority }) => { Handler.add({ ns: plugin.namespace ||, key, self: plugin, property: priority || plugin.priority || 500, fn: plugin[fn] }) }) } } packageTips(packageErr) { if (!packageErr || packageErr.length <= 0) return logger.mark('--------插件载入错误--------') packageErr.forEach(v => { let pack = v.error.stack.match(/'(.+?)'/g)[0].replace(/'/g, '') logger.mark(`${} 缺少依赖:${}`) logger.mark(`新增插件后请执行安装命令:${'pnpm i')} 安装依赖`) logger.mark(`如安装后仍未解决可联系插件作者将 ${} 依赖添加至插件的package.json dependencies中,或手工安装依赖`) }) // logger.error('或者使用其他包管理工具安装依赖') logger.mark('---------------------') } /** * 处理事件 * * 参数文档 * @param e icqq Events */ async deal (e) { Object.defineProperty(e, 'bot', { value: Bot[e?.self_id || Bot.uin] }) /** 检查频道消息 */ if (this.checkGuildMsg(e)) return /** 冷却 */ if (!this.checkLimit(e)) return /** 处理消息 */ this.dealMsg(e) /** 检查黑白名单 */ if (!this.checkBlack(e)) return /** 处理回复 */ this.reply(e) /** 注册runtime */ await Runtime.init(e) const priority = [] for (const i of this.priority) { const p = new i.class(e) p.e = e /** 判断是否启用功能,过滤事件 */ if (this.checkDisable(p) && this.filtEvent(e, p)) priority.push(p) } for (const plugin of priority) { /** 上下文hook */ if (!plugin.getContext) continue const context = { ...plugin.getContext(), ...plugin.getContext(false, true), } if (!lodash.isEmpty(context)) { for (const fnc in context) plugin[fnc](context[fnc]) return } } /** 是否只关注主动at */ if (!this.onlyReplyAt(e)) return // 判断是否是星铁命令,若是星铁命令则标准化处理 // e.isSr = true,且命令标准化为 #星铁 开头 Object.defineProperty(e, 'isSr', { get: () => === 'sr', set: (v) => = v ? 'sr' : 'gs' }) Object.defineProperty(e, 'isGs', { get: () => === 'gs', set: (v) => = v ? 'gs' : 'sr' }) if (this.srReg.test(e.msg)) { = 'sr' e.msg = e.msg.replace(this.srReg, '#星铁') } /** 优先执行 accept */ for (const plugin of priority) if (plugin.accept) { const res = await plugin.accept(e) if (res == 'return') return if (res) break } a: for (const plugin of priority) { /** 正则匹配 */ if (plugin.rule) for (const v of plugin.rule) { /** 判断事件 */ if (v.event && !this.filtEvent(e, v)) continue if (!new RegExp(v.reg).test(e.msg)) continue e.logFnc = `[${}][${v.fnc}]` if (v.log !== false)`${e.logFnc}${e.logText} ${lodash.truncate(e.msg, { length: 100 })}`) /** 判断权限 */ if (!this.filtPermission(e, v)) break a try { const start = const res = plugin[v.fnc] && (await plugin[v.fnc](e)) if (res !== false) { /** 设置冷却cd */ this.setLimit(e) if (v.log !== false) logger.mark(`${e.logFnc} ${lodash.truncate(e.msg, { length: 100 })} 处理完成 ${ - start}ms`) break a } } catch (error) { logger.error(`${e.logFnc}`) logger.error(error.stack) break a } } } } /** 过滤事件 */ filtEvent(e, v) { if (!v.event) return false const event = v.event.split(".") const eventMap = this.eventMap[e.post_type] || [] const newEvent = [] for (const i in event) { if (event[i] == "*") newEvent.push(event[i]) else newEvent.push(e[eventMap[i]]) } return v.event == newEvent.join(".") } /** 判断权限 */ filtPermission (e, v) { if (v.permission == 'all' || !v.permission) return true if (v.permission == 'master') { if (e.isMaster) { return true } else { e.reply('暂无权限,只有主人才能操作') return false } } if (e.isGroup) { if (!e.member?._info) { e.reply('数据加载中,请稍后再试') return false } if (v.permission == 'owner') { if (!e.member.is_owner) { e.reply('暂无权限,只有群主才能操作') return false } } if (v.permission == 'admin') { if (!e.member.is_admin) { e.reply('暂无权限,只有管理员才能操作') return false } } } return true } /** * 处理消息,加入自定义字段 * @param e.msg 文本消息,多行会自动拼接 * @param e.img 图片消息数组 * @param e.atBot 是否at机器人 * @param 是否at,多个at 以最后的为准 * @param e.file 接受到的文件 * @param e.isPrivate 是否私聊 * @param e.isGroup 是否群聊 * @param e.isMaster 是否管理员 * @param e.logText 日志用户字符串 * @param e.logFnc 日志方法字符串 * 频道 * @param e.isGuild 是否频道 * @param 支持频道 tiny_id * @param e.atBot 支持频道 */ dealMsg (e) { if (e.message) { for (let val of e.message) { switch (val.type) { case 'text': e.msg = (e.msg || '') + (val.text || '').replace(/^\s*[#井#]+\s*/, '#').replace(/^\s*[\\*※*]+\s*/, '*').trim() break case 'image': if (!e.img) { e.img = [] } e.img.push(val.url) break case 'at': if (val.qq == { e.atBot = true } else if ( && == { e.atBot = true /** 多个at 以最后的为准 */ } else if ( { = } else { = val.qq } break case 'file': e.file = { name:, fid: val.fid } break case "xml": case "json": e.msg = (e.msg || "") + (typeof == "string" ? : JSON.stringify( break } } } e.logText = '' if (e.message_type === 'private' || e.notice_type === 'friend') { e.isPrivate = true if (e.sender) { e.sender.card = e.sender.nickname } else { e.sender = { card: e.friend?.nickname, nickname: e.friend?.nickname } } e.logText = `[私聊][${e.sender.nickname}(${e.user_id})]` } if (e.message_type === 'group' || e.notice_type === 'group') { e.isGroup = true if (e.sender) { e.sender.card = e.sender.card || e.sender.nickname } else if (e.member) { e.sender = { card: e.member.card || e.member.nickname } } else if (e.nickname) { e.sender = { card: e.nickname, nickname: e.nickname } } else { e.sender = { card: '', nickname: '' } } if (!e.group_name) e.group_name = e.logText = `[${e.group_name}(${e.sender.card})]` } else if (e.detail_type === 'guild') { e.isGuild = true } if (e.user_id && cfg.masterQQ.includes(Number(e.user_id) || String(e.user_id))) { e.isMaster = true } /** 只关注主动at msg处理 */ if (e.msg && e.isGroup) { let groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(e.group_id) let alias = groupCfg.botAlias if (!Array.isArray(alias)) { alias = [alias] } for (let name of alias) { if (e.msg.startsWith(name)) { e.msg = lodash.trimStart(e.msg, name).trim() e.hasAlias = true break } } } } /** 处理回复,捕获发送失败异常 */ reply (e) { if (e.reply) { e.replyNew = e.reply /** * @param msg 发送的消息 * @param quote 是否引用回复 * @param data.recallMsg 群聊是否撤回消息,0-120秒,0不撤回 * @param 是否at用户 */ e.reply = async (msg = '', quote = false, data = {}) => { if (!msg) return false /** 禁言中 */ if (e.isGroup && e?.group?.mute_left > 0) return false let { recallMsg = 0, at = '' } = data if (at && e.isGroup) { let text = '' if (e?.sender?.card) { text = lodash.truncate(e.sender.card, { length: 10 }) } if (at === true) { at = Number(e.user_id) || String(e.user_id) } else if (!isNaN(at)) { if (e.isGuild) { text = e.sender?.nickname } else { let info = text = info?.card ?? info?.nickname } text = lodash.truncate(text, { length: 10 }) } if (Array.isArray(msg)) msg.unshift(, text), "\n") else msg = [, text), "\n", msg] } let msgRes try { msgRes = await e.replyNew(msg, quote) } catch (err) { if (typeof msg != 'string') { if (msg.type == 'image' && Buffer.isBuffer(msg?.file)) msg.file = {} msg = lodash.truncate(JSON.stringify(msg), { length: 300 }) } logger.error(`发送消息错误:${msg}`) logger.error(err) if ( Bot[Bot.uin].pickUser(cfg.masterQQ[0]).sendMsg(`发送消息错误:${msg}`) } // 频道一下是不是频道 if (!e.isGuild && recallMsg > 0 && msgRes?.message_id) { if (e.isGroup) { setTimeout(() =>, recallMsg * 1000) } else if (e.friend) { setTimeout(() => e.friend.recallMsg(msgRes.message_id), recallMsg * 1000) } } this.count(e, msg) return msgRes } } else { e.reply = async (msg = '', quote = false, data = {}) => { if (!msg) return false this.count(e, msg) if (e.group_id) { return await => { logger.warn(err) }) } else { let friend = if (!friend) return return await => { logger.warn(err) }) } } } } count (e, msg) { let screenshot = false if (msg && msg?.file && Buffer.isBuffer(msg?.file)) { screenshot = true } this.saveCount('sendMsg') if (screenshot) this.saveCount('screenshot') if (e.group_id) { this.saveCount('sendMsg', e.group_id) if (screenshot) this.saveCount('screenshot', e.group_id) } } saveCount (type, groupId = '') { let key = 'Yz:count:' if (groupId) { key += `group:${groupId}:` } let dayKey = `${key}${type}:day:${moment().format('MMDD')}` let monthKey = `${key}${type}:month:${Number(moment().month()) + 1}` let totalKey = `${key}${type}:total` redis.incr(dayKey) redis.incr(monthKey) if (!groupId) redis.incr(totalKey) redis.expire(dayKey, 3600 * 24 * 30) redis.expire(monthKey, 3600 * 24 * 30) } delCount () { let key = 'Yz:count:' redis.set(`${key}sendMsg:total`, '0') redis.set(`${key}screenshot:total`, '0') } /** 收集定时任务 */ collectTask(task) { for (const i of Array.isArray(task) ? task : [task]) if (i.cron && this.task.push(i) } /** 创建定时任务 */ createTask() { for (const i of this.task) i.job = schedule.scheduleJob(i.cron, async () => { try { if (i.log == true) logger.mark(`开始定时任务:${}`) await i.fnc() if (i.log == true) logger.mark(`定时任务完成:${}`) } catch (error) { logger.error(`定时任务报错:${}`) logger.error(error) } }) } /** 检查命令冷却cd */ checkLimit (e) { /** 禁言中 */ if (e.isGroup && e?.group?.mute_left > 0) return false if (!e.message || e.isPrivate) return true let config = cfg.getGroup(e.group_id) if (config.groupGlobalCD && this.groupGlobalCD[e.group_id]) { return false } if (config.singleCD && this.singleCD[`${e.group_id}.${e.user_id}`]) { return false } let { msgThrottle } = this let msgId = e.user_id + ':' + e.raw_message if (msgThrottle[msgId]) { return false } msgThrottle[msgId] = true setTimeout(() => { delete msgThrottle[msgId] }, 200) return true } /** 设置冷却cd */ setLimit (e) { if (!e.message || e.isPrivate) return let config = cfg.getGroup(e.group_id) if (config.groupGlobalCD) { this.groupGlobalCD[e.group_id] = true setTimeout(() => { delete this.groupGlobalCD[e.group_id] }, config.groupGlobalCD) } if (config.singleCD) { let key = `${e.group_id}.${e.user_id}` this.singleCD[key] = true setTimeout(() => { delete this.singleCD[key] }, config.singleCD) } } /** 是否只关注主动at */ onlyReplyAt (e) { if (!e.message || e.isPrivate) return true let groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(e.group_id) /** 模式0,未开启前缀 */ if (groupCfg.onlyReplyAt == 0 || !groupCfg.botAlias) return true /** 模式2,非主人需带前缀或at机器人 */ if (groupCfg.onlyReplyAt == 2 && e.isMaster) return true /** at机器人 */ if (e.atBot) return true /** 消息带前缀 */ if (e.hasAlias) return true return false } /** 判断频道消息 */ checkGuildMsg (e) { return cfg.getOther().disableGuildMsg && e.detail_type == 'guild' } /** 判断黑白名单 */ checkBlack (e) { const other = cfg.getOther() /** 黑名单qq */ if (other.blackQQ?.length) { if (other.blackQQ.includes(Number(e.user_id) || String(e.user_id))) return false if ( && other.blackQQ.includes(Number( || String( return false } /** 白名单qq */ if (other.whiteQQ?.length) if (!other.whiteQQ.includes(Number(e.user_id) || String(e.user_id))) return false if (e.group_id) { /** 黑名单群 */ if (other.blackGroup?.length && other.blackGroup.includes(Number(e.group_id) || String(e.group_id))) return false /** 白名单群 */ if (other.whiteGroup?.length && !other.whiteGroup.includes(Number(e.group_id) || String(e.group_id))) return false } return true } /** 判断是否启用功能 */ checkDisable(p) { const groupCfg = cfg.getGroup(p.e.group_id) if (groupCfg.disable?.length && groupCfg.disable.includes( return false if (groupCfg.enable?.length && !groupCfg.enable.includes( return false return true } async changePlugin(key) { try { let app = await import(`../../${this.dir}/${key}?${moment().format('x')}`) if (app.apps) app = { } lodash.forEach(app, p => { const plugin = new p for (const i in this.priority) if (this.priority[i].key == key && this.priority[i].name == { this.priority[i].class = p this.priority[i].priority = plugin.priority } }) this.priority = lodash.orderBy(this.priority, ['priority'], ['asc']) } catch (error) { logger.error(`加载插件错误:${}`) logger.error(decodeURI(error.stack)) } } /** 监听热更新 */ watch(dirName, appName) { this.watchDir(dirName) if (this.watcher[`${dirName}.${appName}`]) return const file = `./${this.dir}/${dirName}/${appName}` const watcher = const key = `${dirName}/${appName}` /** 监听修改 */ watcher.on('change', path => { logger.mark(`[修改插件][${dirName}][${appName}]`) this.changePlugin(key) }) /** 监听删除 */ watcher.on('unlink', async path => { logger.mark(`[卸载插件][${dirName}][${appName}]`) /** 停止更新监听 */ this.watcher[`${dirName}.${appName}`].removeAllListeners('change') for (const i in this.priority) if (this.priority[i].key == key) this.priority.splice(i, 1) }) this.watcher[`${dirName}.${appName}`] = watcher } /** 监听文件夹更新 */ watchDir(dirName) { if (this.watcher[dirName]) return const watcher =`./${this.dir}/${dirName}/`) /** 热更新 */ setTimeout(() => { /** 新增文件 */ watcher.on('add', async PluPath => { const appName = path.basename(PluPath) if (!appName.endsWith('.js')) return logger.mark(`[新增插件][${dirName}][${appName}]`) const key = `${dirName}/${appName}` await this.importPlugin({ name: key, path: `../../${this.dir}/${key}?${moment().format('X')}`, }) /** 优先级排序 */ this.priority = lodash.orderBy(this.priority, ['priority'], ['asc']), appName) }) }, 10000) this.watcher[dirName] = watcher } } export default new PluginsLoader()