/** 导入plugin */ import plugin from '../../../lib/plugins/plugin.js' import gsCfg from '../model/gsCfg.js' import common from '../../../lib/common/common.js' import lodash from 'lodash' import fs from 'node:fs' import fetch from 'node-fetch' gsCfg.cpCfg('mys', 'set') /** * Modify By: ifeng0188 * 1.增加多个来源的攻略图 * 2.优化获取攻略图逻辑,更改为对比图片大小来寻找 * 3.增加攻略说明、设置默认攻略功能 * * 从拓展插件更新 * 作者:曉K 更新:🌌 */ export class strategy extends plugin { constructor () { super({ name: '米游社攻略', dsc: '米游社攻略图', event: 'message', priority: 50, rule: [ { reg: '^#?(更新)?\\S+攻略([1-7])?$', fnc: 'strategy' }, { reg: '^#?攻略(说明|帮助)?$', fnc: 'strategy_help' }, { reg: '^#?设置默认攻略([1-7])?$', fnc: 'strategy_setting' } ] }) this.set = gsCfg.getConfig('mys', 'set') this.path = './temp/strategy' this.url = 'https://bbs-api.mihoyo.com/post/wapi/getPostFullInCollection?&gids=2&order_type=2&collection_id=' this.collection_id = [ [], // 来源:西风驿站 [2319292, 2319293, 2319295, 2319296, 2319299, 2319294, 2319298], // 来源:原神观测枢 [813033], // 来源:派蒙喵喵屋 [341284], // 来源:OH是姜姜呀(需特殊处理) [341523], // 来源:曉K → 废物一个 [1582613], // 来源:坤易 [22148], // 来源:婧枫赛赛 [1812949] ] this.source = ['西风驿站', '原神观测枢', '派蒙喵喵屋', 'OH是姜姜呀', '曉K', '坤易', '婧枫赛赛'] this.oss = '?x-oss-process=image//resize,s_1200/quality,q_90/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg' } /** 初始化创建配置文件 */ async init () { if (!fs.existsSync(this.path)) { fs.mkdirSync(this.path) } /** 初始化子目录 */ for (let subId of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) { let path = this.path + '/' + subId if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.mkdirSync(path) } } } /** #心海攻略 */ async strategy () { let match = /^#?(更新)?(\S+)攻略([1-7])?$/.exec(this.e.msg) // let isUpdate = !!this.e.msg.includes('更新') let isUpdate = !!match[1] let roleName = match[2] let group = match[3] ? match[3] : this.set.defaultSource let role = gsCfg.getRole(roleName) if (!role) return false /** 主角特殊处理 */ if (['10000005', '10000007', '20000000'].includes(String(role.roleId))) { let travelers = ['风主', '岩主', '雷主', '草主', '水主'] if (!travelers.includes(role.alias)) { let msg = '请选择:' for (let sub of travelers) { msg += `${sub}攻略${group}、` } msg = msg.substring(0, msg.lastIndexOf('、')) await this.e.reply(msg) return } else { role.name = role.alias } } this.sfPath = `${this.path}/${group}/${role.name}.jpg` let button = [] for (const i of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) button.push({ text: String(i), callback: `#${role.name}攻略${i}` }) button = segment.button(button) if (fs.existsSync(this.sfPath) && !isUpdate) { await this.e.reply([segment.image(`file://${this.sfPath}`), button]) return } if (await this.getImg(role.name, group)) { await this.e.reply([segment.image(`file://${this.sfPath}`), button]) } } /** #攻略帮助 */ async strategy_help () { await this.e.reply('攻略帮助:\n#心海攻略[1234567]\n#更新早柚攻略[1234567]\n#设置默认攻略[1234567]\n示例: 心海攻略4\n\n攻略来源:\n1——西风驿站\n2——原神观测枢\n3——派蒙喵喵屋\n4——OH是姜姜呀\n5——曉K\n6——坤易\n7——婧枫赛赛(角色配队一图流)') } /** #设置默认攻略1 */ async strategy_setting () { let match = /^#?设置默认攻略([1-7])?$/.exec(this.e.msg) let set = './plugins/genshin/config/mys.set.yaml' let config = fs.readFileSync(set, 'utf8') let num = Number(match[1]) if(isNaN(num)) { await this.e.reply('默认攻略设置方式为: \n#设置默认攻略[1234567] \n 请增加数字1-7其中一个') return } config = config.replace(/defaultSource: [1-7]/g, 'defaultSource: ' + num) fs.writeFileSync(set, config, 'utf8') await this.e.reply('默认攻略已设置为: ' + match[1]) } /** 下载攻略图 */ async getImg (name, group) { let msyRes = [] this.collection_id[group].forEach((id) => msyRes.push(this.getData(this.url + id))) try { msyRes = await Promise.all(msyRes) } catch (error) { this.e.reply('暂无攻略数据,请稍后再试') logger.error(`米游社接口报错:${error}}`) return false } let posts = lodash.flatten(lodash.map(msyRes, (item) => item.data.posts)) let url for (let val of posts) { /** 攻略图个别来源特殊处理 */ if (group == 4) { if (val.post.structured_content.includes(name + '】')) { let content = val.post.structured_content.replace(/\\\/\{\}/g, '') let pattern = new RegExp(name + '】.*?image\\\\?":\\\\?"(.*?)\\\\?"'); // 常驻角色兼容 let imgId = pattern.exec(content)[1] for (let image of val.image_list) { if (image.image_id == imgId) { url = image.url break } } break } } else { if (val.post.subject.includes(name)) { let max = 0 val.image_list.forEach((v, i) => { if (Number(v.size) >= Number(val.image_list[max].size)) max = i }) url = val.image_list[max].url break } } } if (!url) { this.e.reply([`暂无${name}攻略(${this.source[group - 1]})\n请尝试其他的攻略来源查询\n#攻略帮助,查看说明`, segment.button([ { text: "攻略帮助", callback: "#攻略帮助" }, ])]) return false } logger.mark(`${this.e.logFnc} 下载${name}攻略图`) if (!await common.downFile(url + this.oss, this.sfPath)) { return false } logger.mark(`${this.e.logFnc} 下载${name}攻略成功`) return true } /** 获取数据 */ async getData (url) { let response = await fetch(url, { method: 'get' }) if (!response.ok) { return false } const res = await response.json() return res } }