import GsCfg from "../model/gsCfg.js" import fs from "node:fs" import lodash from "lodash" import fetch from "node-fetch" import YAML from "yaml" import MysInfo from "../model/mys/mysInfo.js" import common from "../../../lib/common/common.js" export class setPubCk extends plugin { constructor (e) { super({ name: "配置", dsc: "#配置ck", event: "message", priority: 700, rule: [ { reg: /^#配置c(oo)?k(ie)?$|^#*配置公共查询c(oo)?k(ie)?$/i, fnc: "setPubCk", permission: "master" }, { reg: "^#使用(全部|用户)ck$", fnc: "setUserCk", permission: "master" } ] }) this.file = "./plugins/genshin/config/mys.pubCk.yaml" } /** 配置公共ck */ async setPubCk () { /** 设置上下文,后续接收到内容会执行doRep方法 */ this.setContext("pubCk") /** 回复 */ await this.reply("请发送米游社cookie......\n配置后该ck将会加入公共查询池") } async pubCk () { let msg = this.e.msg if (!(/(ltoken|ltoken_v2)/.test(this.e.msg) && /(ltuid|ltmid_v2|account_mid_v2)/.test(this.e.msg))) { this.e.reply("cookie错误,请发送正确的cookie") return true } this.finish("pubCk") let ck = msg.replace(/#|"|"/g, "") let param = {} ck.split(";").forEach((v) => { // cookie_token_v2,ltoken_v2值也可能有= // let tmp = lodash.trim(v).split("=") let tmp = lodash.trim(v); let index = tmp.indexOf("="); param[tmp.slice(0,index)] = tmp.slice(index+1); }) = "" lodash.forEach(param, (v, k) => { if (["ltoken", "ltuid", "cookie_token", "account_id", "cookie_token_v2", "account_mid_v2", "ltmid_v2", "ltoken_v2"].includes(k)) { += `${k}=${v};` } }) /** 检查ck是否失效 */ if (!await this.checkCk()) { logger.mark(`配置公共cookie错误:${this.checkMsg || "cookie错误"}`) await this.e.reply(`配置公共cookie错误:${this.checkMsg || "cookie错误"}`) return } this.ltuid = param.ltuid // 判断是否是v2版ck if (param.cookie_token_v2 && (param.account_mid_v2 || param.ltoken_v2) && !(/(\d{4,9})/g).test(this.ltuid)) { // 获取米游社通行证id let userFullInfo = await this.getUserInfo() if (userFullInfo?.data?.user_info) { let userInfo = userFullInfo?.data?.user_info this.ltuid = userInfo.uid = `${}ltuid=${this.ltuid};` } else { logger.mark(`配置公共cookie错误:${userFullInfo.message || "cookie错误"}`) await this.e.reply(`配置公共cookie错误:${userFullInfo.message || "cookie错误"}`) return } } let ckArr = GsCfg.getConfig("mys", "pubCk") || [] /** 判断是否重复 */ for (let ck of ckArr) { if (ck.includes(this.ltuid)) { await this.e.reply("配置公共cookie错误:该ck已配置") return } } ckArr.push( GsCfg.change_myspubCk() await this.e.reply(`配置公共ck成功:第${ckArr.length}个`) } /** 检查ck是否可用 */ async checkCk () { let url = "" let res = await fetch(url, { method: "get", headers: { Cookie: } }) if (!res.ok) return false res = await res.json() if (res.retcode != 0) { this.checkMsg = res.message return false } return true } // 获取米游社通行证id async getUserInfo (server = "mys") { try { const that = this let url = { mys: "", hoyolab: "" } let res = await fetch(url[server], { method: "get", headers: { Cookie:, Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*", Connection: "keep-alive", Host: "", Origin: "", Referer: "" } }) if (!res.ok) return res res = await res.json() return res } catch (e) { return null } } save (data) { data = YAML.stringify(data) fs.writeFileSync(this.file, data) } async setUserCk () { let set = "./plugins/genshin/config/mys.set.yaml" let config = fs.readFileSync(set, "utf8") config = config.replace(/allowUseCookie: [0-1]/g, "allowUseCookie: 1") fs.writeFileSync(set, config, "utf8") await common.sleep(500) await MysInfo.initCache(true) await this.reply("开启成功,用户ck已加入公共查询ck池") } }