import base from './base.js' import { MysInfo, MysApi } from 'yunzai/mys' import lodash from 'lodash' import moment from 'moment' import fs from 'node:fs' import { sleep } from 'yunzai/utils' export default class Ledger extends base { constructor(e) { super(e) this.e = e this.model = 'ledger' if (this.e.msg?.includes('星琼')) this.e.isSr = true this.color = [ '#73a9c6', '#d56565', '#70b2b4', '#bd9a5a', '#739970', '#7a6da7', '#597ea0' ] this.action = { other: 0, adventure_reward: 1, space_reward: 2, daily_reward: 3, abyss_reward: 4, mail_reward: 5, event_reward: 6 } } async get() { this.getMonth() if (!this.month) return let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'ys_ledger', { month: this.month }) if (!res || res.retcode !== 0) return false this.e.nowData = let data = this.dealData( this.saveLedger(this.e.uid) return data } getMonth() { let month = this.e.msg.replace(/#|原石|月|札记|星铁|星琼/g, '') let NowMonth = Number(moment().month()) + 1 let monthData = [ '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二' ] if (month) { if (isNaN(month)) { for (let i in monthData) { if (month == monthData[i]) { month = Number(i) + 1 break } } if (isNaN(month)) { month = NowMonth } } } else { month = NowMonth } if (month < 1 || month > 12) { month = NowMonth } // 获取前三个月 let monthArr = [11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].splice( NowMonth - 1, 3 ) if (!monthArr.includes(Number(month))) { this.e.reply('札记仅支持查询最近三个月的数据') return false } if ( (NowMonth >= 3 && month > NowMonth) || (NowMonth < 3 && month > NowMonth && month <= 9 + month) ) { month = NowMonth } if (this.e.isSr) { this.NowMonth = moment().year().toString() + (NowMonth < 10 ? '0' : '') + NowMonth.toString() this.month = moment().year().toString() + (month < 10 ? '0' : '') + month.toString() this.srmonth = month } else { this.NowMonth = NowMonth this.month = month } } dealData(ledgerInfo) { let day if (this.month == this.NowMonth) { day = `${this[this.e.isSr ? 'srmonth' : 'month']}月${moment().date()}号` } else { day = `${this[this.e.isSr ? 'srmonth' : 'month']}月` } let gacha = this.e.isSr ? 'current_hcoin' : 'current_primogems' let last_gacha = this.e.isSr ? 'last_hcoin' : 'last_primogems' let mora = this.e.isSr ? 'current_rails_pass' : 'current_mora' let last_mora = this.e.isSr ? 'last_rails_pass' : 'last_mora' ledgerInfo.month_data.gacha = (ledgerInfo.month_data[gacha] / 160).toFixed( 0 ) ledgerInfo.month_data.last_gacha = ( ledgerInfo.month_data[last_gacha] / 160 ).toFixed(0) if (ledgerInfo.month_data[gacha] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.month_data[gacha] = (ledgerInfo.month_data[gacha] / 10000).toFixed(2) + ' w' } if (ledgerInfo.month_data[last_gacha] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.month_data[last_gacha] = (ledgerInfo.month_data[last_gacha] / 10000).toFixed(2) + ' w' } if (ledgerInfo.month_data[mora] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.month_data[mora] = (ledgerInfo.month_data[mora] / 10000).toFixed(1) + ' w' } if (ledgerInfo.month_data[last_mora] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.month_data[last_mora] = (ledgerInfo.month_data[last_mora] / 10000).toFixed(1) + ' w' } if (ledgerInfo.day_data[gacha] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.day_data[gacha] = (ledgerInfo.day_data[gacha] / 10000).toFixed(1) + ' w' } if (ledgerInfo.day_data[mora] > 10000) { ledgerInfo.day_data[mora] = (ledgerInfo.day_data[mora] / 10000).toFixed(1) + ' w' } ledgerInfo.color = [] ledgerInfo.month_data.group_by.forEach(item => { if (this.e.isSr) { item.color = this.color[this.action[item.action]] item.action_name = item.action_name.slice(0, 4) } else { item.color = this.color[item.action_id] } ledgerInfo.color.push(item.color) }) ledgerInfo.group_by = JSON.stringify(ledgerInfo.month_data.group_by) ledgerInfo.color = JSON.stringify(ledgerInfo.color) let icon = '' if (this.e.isSr) icon = lodash.sample( fs .readdirSync( `${this._path}/plugins/genshin/resources/StarRail/img/role` ) .filter(file => file.endsWith('.webp')) ) let week = [ '星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六' ] return { saveId: this.e.uid, uid: this.e.uid, day, icon, srday: `${week[moment().day()]}`, nowDay: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY年MM月DD日'), ...ledgerInfo, ...this.screenData } } // 保存上两个原石数据 async saveLedger(uid, ck = '', isTask = false) { if (ck) { uid = ck.uid } else { /** 获取个人ck */ ck = await MysInfo.checkUidBing(uid, this.e.isSr ? 'sr' : 'gs') } if (!ck || lodash.isEmpty(ck)) { return false } let dataPath = `./data/${this.e?.isSr ? 'SR_NoteData' : 'NoteData'}/${uid}.json` let NoteData = {} if (fs.existsSync(dataPath)) { NoteData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataPath, 'utf8')) } // 当前年 let NowYear = Number(moment().year()) let NowMonth = Number(moment().month()) + 1 // 获取前三个月 let monthArr = [11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].splice( NowMonth - 1, 3 ) for (let month of monthArr) { let year = NowYear // 上一年 if (NowMonth <= 2 && month >= 11) { year-- } if (!NoteData[year]) NoteData[year] = {} if ( NoteData[year][month] && NowMonth != month && NoteData[year][month].isUpdate ) continue let ledgerInfo if ( NowMonth == month && this.e.nowData && this.e.nowData?.data?.data_month == NowMonth ) { ledgerInfo = this.e.nowData } else { let months = month if (this.e.isSr) months = String(year) + (month < 10 ? '0' : '') + String(month) ledgerInfo = await this.ysLedger(ck, months, isTask) if (!ledgerInfo) continue } if (NowMonth != month) { ledgerInfo.isUpdate = true } NoteData[year][month] = ledgerInfo sleep(100) } logger.mark(`[札记查询][自动保存] uid:${uid} 数据已保存`) fs.writeFileSync(dataPath, JSON.stringify(NoteData, '', '\t')) return NoteData } async ysLedger(ck, month, isTask) { let ledgerInfo = {} if (isTask) { let mysApi = new MysApi(ck.uid,, { log: false }, this.e?.isSr) ledgerInfo = await mysApi.getData('ys_ledger', { month }) ledgerInfo = await new MysInfo(this.e).checkCode( ledgerInfo, 'ys_ledger', mysApi, { month }, isTask ) } else { ledgerInfo = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'ys_ledger', { month }) } if (!ledgerInfo || ledgerInfo.retcode != 0) return false return } async ledgerTask(manual) { let cks = (await GsCfg.getBingCk(this.e?.isSr ? 'sr' : 'gs')).ck let uids =, 'uid') let finishTime = moment() .add(uids.length * 0.7, 's') .format('MM-DD HH:mm:ss') logger.mark( `${this.e?.isSr ? '开拓月历' : '札记'}ck:${uids.length}个,预计需要${this.countTime(uids.length)} ${finishTime} 完成` ) if (manual) { await this.e.reply( `开始任务:保存${this.e?.isSr ? '星琼' : '原石'}数据,完成前请勿重复执行` ) await this.e.reply( `${this.e?.isSr ? '开拓月历' : '札记'}ck:${uids.length}个\n预计需要:${this.countTime(uids.length)}\n完成时间:${finishTime}` ) } for (const uid of uids) { const ck = cks[uid] await this.saveLedger(uid, ck, true) await sleep(500) } if (manual) { this.e.reply(`${this.e?.isSr ? '星琼' : '原石'}任务完成`) } } countTime(num) { let time = num * 0.7 let hour = Math.floor((time / 3600) % 24) let min = Math.floor((time / 60) % 60) let sec = Math.floor(time % 60) let msg = '' if (hour > 0) msg += `${hour}小时` if (min > 0) msg += `${min}分钟` if (sec > 0) msg += `${sec}秒` return msg } async ledgerCount() { this.model = 'ledgerCount' let mysInfo = await MysInfo.init(this.e, 'ys_ledger') let uid = mysInfo?.uid if (!uid) return false /** 保存札记数据 */ let NoteData = await this.saveLedger(uid) /** 处理数据 */ return this.ledgerCountData(NoteData) } async ledgerCountHistory() { let nowYear if (this.e.msg.includes('去年')) { nowYear = moment().year() - 1 } else if (this.e.msg.includes('今年')) { nowYear = moment().year() } else { // 获取年份 nowYear = this.e.msg.match(/(\d{4})/) } if (nowYear) { nowYear = parseInt(nowYear) } if (!nowYear) { nowYear = moment().year() } this.model = 'ledgerCount' let mysInfo = await MysInfo.init(this.e, 'ys_ledger') let uid = mysInfo?.uid if (!uid) return false let dataPath = `./data/${this.e?.isSr ? 'SR_NoteData' : 'NoteData'}/${uid}.json` let NoteData = {} if (fs.existsSync(dataPath)) { NoteData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataPath, 'utf8')) } // console.log(NoteData) if (!NoteData || lodash.isEmpty(NoteData)) { this.e.reply( this.e?.isSr ? [ '暂无星琼数据,请先发送 *星琼', segment.button([{ text: '星琼', input: '*星琼' }]) ] : [ '暂无原石数据,请先发送 #原石', segment.button([{ text: '原石', input: '#原石' }]) ], false, { at: true } ) return false } NoteData = NoteData[nowYear] if (!NoteData) { this.e.reply( `uid:${uid} ${nowYear}年无${this.e?.isSr ? '星琼' : '原石'}统计数据!`, false, { at: true } ) return false } lodash.forEach(NoteData, val => { val.year = nowYear }) /** 处理数据 */ return this.ledgerCountData(NoteData, String(nowYear)) } ledgerCountData(NoteData, nowYear) { let hasMore = false let yearText if (!nowYear) { // 获取总长度 if ( NoteData && Object.keys(NoteData) && Object.keys(NoteData).length > 0 ) { let len = 0 Object.keys(NoteData).forEach(year => { let yearData = NoteData[year] len += Object.keys(yearData).length }) hasMore = len >= 12 } // 获取最近12个月的数据 const newNoteData = [] for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { let month = Number(moment().month()) + 1 - i let year = Number(moment().year()) if (month <= 0) { month = 12 + month year-- } if (NoteData[year] && NoteData[year][month]) { NoteData[year][month].year = year newNoteData.push(NoteData[year][month]) } } NoteData = newNoteData } else { yearText = `${nowYear}年-` } if (!NoteData || lodash.isEmpty(NoteData)) return let data = { allPrimogems: 0, allMora: 0, primogemsMonth: [], moraMonth: [], yearText } let Primogems = this.e.isSr ? 'current_hcoin' : 'current_primogems' let Mora = this.e.isSr ? 'current_rails_pass' : 'current_mora' lodash.forEach(NoteData, val => { data.allPrimogems += val.month_data[Primogems] data.allMora += val.month_data[Mora] // 柱状图数据 if (this.e.isSr) val.data_month = val.data_month.slice(-2, -1) == '0' ? val.data_month.slice(-1) : val.data_month.slice(-2) data.primogemsMonth.push({ value: val.month_data[Primogems], month: String(val.data_month), year: String(val.year), name: this.e.isSr ? '星琼' : '原石' }) data.moraMonth.push({ value: (val.month_data[Mora] / 1000).toFixed(0), month: String(val.data_month), year: String(val.year), name: this.e.isSr ? '专&通票' : '摩拉' }) }) // 单位处理 data.allPrimogemsShow = (data.allPrimogems / 10000).toFixed(2) + 'w' data.allGacha = (data.allPrimogems / 160).toFixed(0) if (this.e.isSr) { data.allGacha = (data.allPrimogems / 160 + data.allMora).toFixed(0) data.allMora = data.allMora.toFixed(0) + '张' } else { data.allMora = (data.allMora / 10000).toFixed(0) + 'w' } // 原石最多 data.maxPrimogems = lodash.maxBy(data.primogemsMonth, 'value') data.maxMora = lodash.maxBy(data.moraMonth, 'value') // 按年份月份排序 data.primogemsMonth = lodash.sortBy(data.primogemsMonth, item => { return Number(item.year) * 100 + Number(item.month) }) let groupBy = lodash(NoteData) .map('month_data') .map('group_by') .flatMap() .value() if (this.e.isSr) groupBy.forEach(item => { item.action_id = this.action[item.action] item.action = item.action_name.slice(0, 4) }) let pieData = {} for (let val of groupBy) { if (!pieData[val.action]) { pieData[val.action] = { num: val.num, action: val.action, action_id: val.action_id } } else { pieData[val.action].num += val.num } } pieData = lodash.flatMap(pieData, item => { return item }) pieData = lodash.orderBy(pieData, ['num'], ['desc']) data.color = [] pieData.forEach(item => { data.color.push(this.color[item.action_id]) }) data.group_by = pieData data.color = JSON.stringify(data.color) data.pieData = JSON.stringify(pieData) data.primogemsMonth = JSON.stringify(data.primogemsMonth) data.hasMore = hasMore return { saveId: this.e.uid, uid: this.e.uid,, ...this.screenData } } }