import { plugin } from 'yunzai/core' import * as common from 'yunzai/core' import fetch from 'node-fetch' import { MysInfo } from 'yunzai/mys' export class exchange extends plugin { constructor() { /** * name: '兑换码', dsc: '前瞻直播兑换码', */ super({ priority: 1000, rule: [ { reg: /^(#|\*)?(原神|星铁|崩铁|崩三|崩坏三|崩坏3)?(直播|前瞻)?兑换码$/, fnc: 'getCode' }, { reg: '^#(兑换码使用|cdk-u).+', fnc: 'useCode' } ] }) } async getCode() { let reg = this.e.msg.match( /^(#|\*)?(原神|星铁|崩铁|崩三|崩坏三|崩坏3)?(直播|前瞻)?兑换码$/ ) this.uid = '75276550' if (reg[1] == '*' || ['星铁', '崩铁'].includes(reg[2])) { this.uid = '80823548' } if (['崩三', '崩坏三', '崩坏3'].includes(reg[2])) { this.uid = '73565430' } = parseInt( / 1000) let actid = await this.getActId() if (!actid) {'[兑换码] 未获取到actId') return true } this.actId = actid /** index info */ let index = await this.getData('index') if (!index || ! { return true } if ( === null) { return await this.reply(`错误:\n${index.message}`) } let index_data = let title = index_data['title'] this.code_ver = index_data['code_ver'] if (index_data.remain > 0) { return await this.reply(`暂无${title}直播兑换码`, true) } let code = await this.getData('code') if (!code || ! {'[兑换码] 未获取到兑换码') return true } let codes = [] for (let val of { if (val.code) { codes.push([ val.code, segment.button([{ text: '兑换', callback: `#兑换码使用${val.code}` }]) ]) } } let msg = [`兑换码过期时间: \n${this.deadline}`,] msg = await common.makeForwardMsg(this.e, msg, `${title}-直播兑换码`) await this.reply(msg) } async getData(type) { let url = { index: ``, code: `${this.code_ver}&time=${}`, actId: `${this.uid}` } let response try { response = await fetch(url[type], { method: 'get', headers: { 'x-rpc-act_id': this.actId } }) } catch (error) { logger.error(error.toString()) return false } if (!response.ok) { logger.error( `[兑换码接口错误][${type}] ${response.status} ${response.statusText}` ) return false } const res = await response.json() return res } // 获取 "act_id" async getActId() { let ret = await this.getData('actId') if (ret.error || ret.retcode !== 0) { return '' } for (const p of { let post try { post = } catch (e) { logger.error('活动数据获取异常') logger.error(e) } if (!post) { continue } let date = new Date(post.created_at * 1000) if (this.uid == '80823548') { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1) this.deadline = `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}-${date.getDate()} 23:59:59` } else if (this.uid == '73565430') { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 5) this.deadline = `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}-${date.getDate()} 12:00:00` } else { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 3) this.deadline = `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}-${date.getDate()} 12:00:00` } let structured_content = post.structured_content let result = structured_content.match( /{\"link\":\"https:\/\/\/bbs\/event\/live\/index.html\?act_id=(.*?)\\/ ) if (result) { return result[1] } } } // 兑换码使用 async useCode() { const cdkCode = this.e.msg.replace(/#(兑换码使用|cdk-u)/, '').trim() const res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'useCdk', { cdk: cdkCode }) if (res) { this.e.reply(`${}`) } } }