新增 `原神活动到期提醒`

This commit is contained in:
千奈千祁 2024-04-19 00:45:50 +08:00
parent 1822400b1f
commit 2770eed490
2 changed files with 131 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import fs from 'node:fs'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import gsCfg from '../model/gsCfg.js'
import YAML from 'yaml'
import common from '../../../lib/common/common.js'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
gsCfg.cpCfg('mys', 'pushNews')
export class mysNews extends plugin {
@ -38,6 +40,9 @@ export class mysNews extends plugin {
reg: '^#(星铁|原神|崩坏三|崩三|绝区零|崩坏二|崩二|崩坏学园二|未定|未定事件簿)?推送(公告|资讯)$',
permission: 'master',
fnc: 'mysNewsTask'
reg: '^#原神(开启|关闭)到期活动(预警)?(推送)?$',
fnc: 'setActivityPush'
@ -68,9 +73,132 @@ export class mysNews extends plugin {
async mysNewsTask() {
let mysNews = new MysNews(this.e)
await mysNews.mysNewsTask()
async ActivityPush() {
let now = new Date()
now = now.getHours();
if(now < 10) return
let pushGroupList
try {
pushGroupList = YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.file, `utf8`))
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`${this.logFnc} 原神活动到期预警推送失败:无法获取配置文件信息\n${error}`)
if(!pushGroupList.gsActivityPush || pushGroupList.gsActivityPush == {}) return
let BotidList = []
for (let item in pushGroupList.gsActivityPush) {
let ActivityList = await this.getGsActivity()
if(ActivityList.length === 0) return
for (let item of BotidList) {
let redisapgl = await redis.get(`Yz:apgl:${item}`)
let date = await this.getDate()
redisapgl = JSON.parse(redisapgl)
if(!redisapgl || redisapgl.date !== date) {
redisapgl = {
GroupList: pushGroupList.gsActivityPush[item]
if(!Array.isArray(redisapgl.GroupList) || redisapgl.GroupList.length == 0) break
if(!Bot[item]) break
for (let a of ActivityList) {
let endDt = a.end_time
endDt = endDt.replace(/\s/, `T`)
let todayt = new Date()
endDt = new Date(endDt)
let sydate = await this.calculateRemainingTime(todayt, endDt)
let msgList = [
await common.sleep(5000)
await redis.set(`Yz:apgl:${item}`, JSON.stringify(redisapgl))
async getDate() {
const currentDate = new Date();
const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
const month = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
const day = currentDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
return `${year}-${month}-${day}`
async getGsActivity() {
let gshd
try {
gshd = await fetch(`https://hk4e-api.mihoyo.com/common/hk4e_cn/announcement/api/getAnnList?game=hk4e&game_biz=hk4e_cn&lang=zh-cn&bundle_id=hk4e_cn&platform=pc&region=cn_gf01&level=55&uid=100000000`)
gshd = await gshd.json()
} catch {
return []
let hdlist = []
let result = []
for (let item of gshd.data.list[1].list) {
if(item.tag_label.includes(`活动`) && !item.title.includes(`传说任务`) && !item.title.includes(`游戏公告`)) hdlist.push(item)
for (let item of hdlist) {
let endDt = item.end_time
endDt = endDt.replace(/\s/, `T`)
let todayt = new Date()
endDt = new Date(endDt)
let sydate = await this.calculateRemainingTime(todayt, endDt)
if(sydate.days <= 1) result.push(item)
return result
async calculateRemainingTime(startDate, endDate) {
const difference = endDate - startDate;
const days = Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
const hours = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
const minutes = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
const seconds = Math.floor((difference % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
return { days, hours, minutes, seconds };
async setActivityPush() {
if (!this.e.isGroup) {
await this.reply('推送请在群聊中设置')
if (!this.e.member?.is_admin && !this.e.isMaster) {
await this.reply('暂无权限,只有管理员才能操作', true)
return true
let cfg = gsCfg.getConfig('mys', 'pushNews')
if(!cfg.gsActivityPush) cfg.gsActivityPush = {}
if(!Array.isArray(cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id])) cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id] = []
let model
let msg = `原神活动到期预警推送已`
if(this.e.msg.includes('开启')) {
model = '开启'
cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id] = lodash.uniq(cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id])
msg += `${model}\n如有即将到期的活动将自动推送至此`
} else {
model = '关闭'
msg += model
cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id] = lodash.difference(cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id], [this.e.group_id])
if (lodash.isEmpty(cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id]))
delete cfg.gsActivityPush[this.e.self_id]
let yaml = YAML.stringify(cfg)
fs.writeFileSync(this.file, yaml, 'utf8')
logger.mark(`${this.e.logFnc} ${model}原神活动到期预警:${this.e.group_id}`)
await this.reply(msg)
async mysSearch() {
if (/签到/g.test(this.e.msg)) return false
let data = await new MysNews(this.e).mysSearch()

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@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ gsannounceGroup: {}
gsinfoGroup: {}
ActivityPush: {}
srannounceGroup: {}