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2023-03-04 14:30:13 +08:00
* MysUser 米游社用户类
* 主键ltuid
* 一个MysUser对应一个有效CK
* 一个MysUser可能有多个MysUid关联记录
import DailyCache from './DailyCache.js'
import BaseModel from './BaseModel.js'
import NoteUser from './NoteUser.js'
import MysApi from './mysApi.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
const tables = {
// ltuid-uid 查询表
// 表结构Key-List (key:ltuidlist-item: uid)
detail: 'query-detail',
// ltuid-uid 关系表用于存储ltuid对应uid列表一个uid仅属于一个ltuid
// 表结构Key-List (key:ltuid value:uid/qq)
uid: 'ltuid-uid',
// ltuid-ck 关系表用于存储ltuid对应ck信息
// 表结构Key-Value (key:ltuid value:ck)
ck: 'ltuid-ck',
// ltuid-qq 关系表用于存储ltuid对应qq一个ltuid可被多个qq绑定
// 表结构Key-Value (key:ltuid value:[qq])
// 因为一个qq可以绑定多个ltuid所以不适宜用Key-List
qq: 'ltuid-qq',
// ltuid 已删除的uid查询供解绑ltuid后重新绑回的查询记录恢复
// 表结构Key-Value (key:ltuidvalue序列化uid数组
del: 'del-detail'
export default class MysUser extends BaseModel {
constructor (data) {
let ltuid = data.ltuid
if (!ltuid) {
return false
// 检查实例缓存
let self = this._getThis('mys', ltuid)
if (!self) {
self = this
// 单日有效缓存,不区分服务器
self.cache = self.cache || DailyCache.create()
self.uids = self.uids || []
self.ltuid = data.ltuid
self.ck = self.ck || data.ck
self.qq = self.qq || data.qq || 'pub'
if (data.uid || data.uids) {
self.addUid(data.uid || data.uids)
if (data.ck && data.ltuid) {
self.ckData = data
// 单日有效缓存使用uid区分不同服务器
self.servCache = self.servCache || DailyCache.create(self.uids[0] || 'mys')
return self._cacheThis()
// 可传入ltuid、cookie、ck对象来创建MysUser实例
// 在仅传入ltuid时必须是之前传入过的才能被识别
static async create (data) {
if (!data) {
return false
if (lodash.isPlainObject(data)) {
return new MysUser(data)
// 传入cookie
let testRet = /ltuid=(\d{4,9})/g.exec(data)
if (testRet && testRet[1]) {
let ltuid = testRet[1]
// 尝试使用ltuid创建
let ckUser = await MysUser.create(ltuid)
if (ckUser) {
return ckUser
let uids = await MysUser.getCkUid(data)
if (uids) {
return new MysUser({
ck: data,
type: 'ck',
// 传入ltuid
if (/^\d{4,9}$/.test(data)) {
// 查找ck记录
let cache = DailyCache.create()
let ckData = await cache.kGet(tables.ck, data, true)
if (ckData && ckData.ltuid) {
return new MysUser(ckData)
return false
// 根据uid获取查询MysUser
static async getByQueryUid (uid, onlySelfCk = false) {
let servCache = DailyCache.create(uid)
// 查找已经查询过的ltuid || 分配最少查询的ltuid
// 根据ltuid获取mysUser 封装
const create = async function (ltuid) {
if (!ltuid) return false
let ckUser = await MysUser.create(ltuid)
if (!ckUser) {
await servCache.zDel(tables.detail, ltuid)
return false
// 若声明只获取自己ck则判断uid是否为本人所有
if (onlySelfCk && !await ckUser.ownUid(uid)) {
return false
return ckUser
// 根据uid检索已查询记录。包括公共CK/自己CK/已查询过
let ret = await create(await servCache.zKey(tables.detail, uid))
if (ret) {
return ret
// 若只获取自身ck则无需走到分配逻辑
if (onlySelfCk) return false
// 使用CK池内容分配次数最少的一个ltuid
ret = await create(await servCache.zMinKey(tables.detail))
if (ret) {
return ret
return false
// 为当前MysUser绑定uid
addUid (uid) {
if (lodash.isArray(uid)) {
for (let u of uid) {
return true
uid = '' + uid
if (/\d{9}/.test(uid) || uid === 'pub') {
if (!this.uids.includes(uid)) {
return true
// 初始化当前MysUser缓存记录
async initCache (user) {
if (!this.ltuid || !this.servCache || !this.ck) {
// 为当前MysUser添加uid查询记录
if (!lodash.isEmpty(this.uids)) {
for (let uid of this.uids) {
if (uid !== 'pub') {
await this.addQueryUid(uid)
// 添加ltuid-uid记录用于判定ltuid绑定个数及自ltuid查询
await this.cache.zAdd(tables.uid, this.ltuid, uid)
} else {
// 公共ck暂无uid信息不添加
if (user?.qq === 'pub') {
return false
// 缓存ckData供后续缓存使用
// ltuid关系存储到与server无关的cache中方便后续检索
if (this.ckData && this.ckData.ck) {
await this.cache.kSet(tables.ck, this.ltuid, this.ckData)
// 缓存qq用于删除ltuid时查找
if (user && user.qq) {
let qq = user.qq === 'pub' ? 'pub' : user.qq * 1
let qqArr = await this.cache.kGet(tables.qq, this.ltuid, true)
if (!lodash.isArray(qqArr)) {
qqArr = []
if (!qqArr.includes(qq)) {
await this.cache.kSet(tables.qq, this.ltuid, qqArr)
// 从删除记录中查找并恢复查询记录
let cacheSearchList = await this.servCache.get(tables.del, this.ltuid, true)
// 这里不直接插入,只插入当前查询记录中没有的值
if (cacheSearchList && cacheSearchList.length > 0) {
for (let searchedUid of cacheSearchList) {
// 检查对应uid是否有新的查询记录
if (!await this.getQueryLtuid(searchedUid)) {
await this.addQueryUid(searchedUid)
return true
static async eachServ (fn) {
let servs = ['mys', 'hoyolab']
for (let serv of servs) {
let servCache = DailyCache.create(serv)
await fn(servCache, serv)
// 清除当日缓存
static async clearCache () {
await MysUser.eachServ(async function (servCache) {
await servCache.empty(tables.detail)
let cache = DailyCache.create()
await cache.empty(tables.uid)
await cache.empty(tables.ck)
await cache.empty(tables.qq)
async disable () {
await this.servCache.zDel(tables.detail, this.ltuid)
* 删除缓存, 供User解绑CK时调用
* @param user
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async del (user) {
if (user && user.qq) {
let qqList = await this.cache.kGet(tables.qq, this.ltuid, true)
let newList = lodash.pull(qqList, user.qq * 1)
await this.cache.kSet(tables.qq, this.ltuid, newList)
if (newList.length > 0) {
// 如果数组还有其他元素说明该ltuid还有其他绑定不进行缓存删除
return false
// 将查询过的uid缓存起来以备后续重新绑定时恢复
let uids = await this.getQueryUids()
await this.servCache.set(tables.del, uids)
// 标记ltuid为失效
await this.servCache.zDel(tables.detail, this.ltuid)
await this.cache.zDel(tables.uid, this.ltuid)
await this.cache.kDel(tables.ck, this.ltuid)
await this.cache.kDel(tables.qq, this.ltuid)
// 删除MysUser用户记录会反向删除User中的记录及绑定关系
async delWithUser () {
// 查找用户
let qqArr = await this.cache.kGet(tables.qq, this.ltuid, true)
if (qqArr && qqArr.length > 0) {
for (let qq of qqArr) {
let user = await NoteUser.create(qq)
if (user) {
// 调用user删除ck
await user.delCk(this.ltuid, false)
await this.del()
// 为当前用户添加uid查询记录
async addQueryUid (uid) {
if (uid) {
await this.servCache.zAdd(tables.detail, this.ltuid, uid)
// 获取当前用户已查询uid列表
async getQueryUids () {
return await this.servCache.zList(tables.detail, this.ltuid)
// 根据uid获取查询ltuid
async getQueryLtuid (uid) {
return await this.servCache.zKey(tables.detail, uid)
// 检查指定uid是否为当前MysUser所有
async ownUid (uid) {
if (!uid) {
return false
let uidArr = await this.cache.zList(tables.uid, this.ltuid) || []
return uid && uidArr.join(',').split(',').includes(uid + '')
// 获取用户统计数据
static async getStatData () {
let totalCount = {}
let ret = { servs: {} }
await MysUser.eachServ(async function (servCache, serv) {
let data = await servCache.zStat(tables.detail)
let count = {}
let list = []
let query = 0
const stat = (type, num) => {
count[type] = num
totalCount[type] = (totalCount[type] || 0) + num
lodash.forEach(data, (ds) => {
ltuid: ds.value,
num: ds.score
if (ds.score < 30) {
query += ds.score
stat('total', list.length)
stat('normal', lodash.filter(list, ds => ds.num < 29).length)
stat('disable', lodash.filter(list, ds => ds.num > 30).length)
stat('query', query)
stat('last', count.normal * 30 - count.query)
list = lodash.sortBy(list, ['num', 'ltuid']).reverse()
ret.servs[serv] = {
list, count
ret.count = totalCount
return ret
* 删除失效用户
* @returns {Promise<number>} 删除用户的个数
static async delDisable () {
let count = 0
await MysUser.eachServ(async function (servCache) {
let cks = await servCache.zGetDisableKey(tables.detail)
console.log('cks', cks)
for (let ck of cks) {
if (await servCache.zDel(tables.detail, ck, true)) {
let ckUser = await MysUser.create(ck)
console.log('ckUser', ck, ckUser)
if (ckUser) {
await ckUser.delWithUser()
return count
static async getGameRole (ck, serv = 'mys') {
let url = {
mys: 'https://api-takumi.mihoyo.com/binding/api/getUserGameRolesByCookie?game_biz=hk4e_cn',
hoyolab: 'https://api-os-takumi.mihoyo.com/binding/api/getUserGameRolesByCookie?game_biz=hk4e_global'
let res = await fetch(url[serv], { method: 'get', headers: { Cookie: ck } })
if (!res.ok) return false
res = await res.json()
return res
// 获取米游社通行证id
static async getUserFullInfo (ck, serv = 'mys') {
let url = {
mys: 'https://bbs-api.mihoyo.com/user/wapi/getUserFullInfo?gids=2',
hoyolab: ''
let res = await fetch(url[serv], {
method: 'get',
headers: {
Cookie: ck,
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
Connection: 'keep-alive',
Host: 'bbs-api.mihoyo.com',
Origin: 'https://m.bbs.mihoyo.com',
Referer: ' https://m.bbs.mihoyo.com/'
if (!res.ok) return res
res = await res.json()
return res
* 获取ck对应uid列表
* @param ck 需要获取的ck
* @param withMsg false:uids / true: {uids, msg}
* @param force 忽略缓存强制更新
* @returns {Promise<{msg: *, uids}>}
static async getCkUid (ck, withMsg = false, force = false) {
let ltuid = ''
let testRet = /ltuid=(\w{0,9})/g.exec(ck)
if (testRet && testRet[1]) {
ltuid = testRet[1]
let uids = []
let ret = (msg, retUid) => {
retUid = lodash.map(retUid, (a) => a + '')
return withMsg ? { msg, uids: retUid } : retUid
if (!ltuid) {
return ret('无ltuid', false)
if (!force) {
// 此处不使用DailyCache做长期存储
uids = await redis.get(`Yz:genshin:mys:ltuid-uids:${ltuid}`)
if (uids) {
uids = DailyCache.decodeValue(uids, true)
if (uids && uids.length > 0) {
return ret('', uids)
uids = []
let res = null
let msg = 'error'
for (let serv of ['mys', 'hoyolab']) {
let roleRes = await MysUser.getGameRole(ck, serv)
if (roleRes?.retcode === 0) {
res = roleRes
if (roleRes.retcode * 1 === -100) {
msg = '该ck已失效请重新登录获取'
msg = roleRes.message || 'error'
if (!res) return ret(msg, false)
if (!res.data.list || res.data.list.length <= 0) {
return ret('该账号尚未绑定原神角色', false)
for (let val of res.data.list) {
if (/\d{9}/.test(val.game_uid)) {
uids.push(val.game_uid + '')
if (uids.length > 0) {
await redis.set(`Yz:genshin:mys:ltuid-uids:${ltuid}`, JSON.stringify(uids), { EX: 3600 * 24 * 90 })
return ret('', uids)
return ret(msg, false)
* 检查CK状态
* @param ck 需要检查的CK
* @returns {Promise<boolean|{msg: string, uids: *[], status: number}>}
static async checkCkStatus (ck) {
let uids = []
let err = (msg, status = 2) => {
msg = msg + '\n请退出米游社并重新登录后再次获取CK'
return {
if (!ck) {
return false
// 检查绑定UID
uids = await MysUser.getCkUid(ck, true, true)
if (!uids.uids || uids.uids.length === 0) {
return err(uids.msg || 'CK失效')
uids = uids.uids
let uid = uids[0]
let mys = new MysApi(uid + '', ck, { log: false })
// 体力查询
let noteRet = await mys.getData('dailyNote')
if (noteRet.retcode !== 0 || lodash.isEmpty(noteRet.data)) {
let msg = noteRet.message !== 'OK' ? noteRet.message : 'CK失效'
return err(`${msg || 'CK失效或验证码'},无法查询体力及角色信息`, 3)
// 角色查询
let roleRet = await mys.getData('character')
if (roleRet.retcode !== 0 || lodash.isEmpty(roleRet.data)) {
let msg = noteRet.message !== 'OK' ? noteRet.message : 'CK失效'
return err(`${msg || 'CK失效'}当前CK仍可查询体力无法查询角色信息`, 2)
let detailRet = await mys.getData('detail', { avatar_id: 10000021 })
if (detailRet.retcode !== 0 || lodash.isEmpty(detailRet.data)) {
let msg = noteRet.message !== 'OK' ? noteRet.message : 'CK失效'
return err(`${msg || 'CK失效'}当前CK仍可查询体力及角色但无法查询角色详情数据`, 1)
return {
status: 0,
msg: 'CK状态正常'