
223 lines
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2023-03-04 14:30:13 +08:00
import base from './base.js'
import MysInfo from './mys/mysInfo.js'
import MysApi from './mys/mysApi.js'
import gsCfg from './gsCfg.js'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import common from '../../../lib/common/common.js'
export default class RoleList extends base {
constructor (e) {
this.model = 'roleList'
/** 缓存时间,单位分钟 */
this.cacheCd = 30
static async get (e) {
let roleList = new RoleList(e)
return await roleList.getData()
async getData () {
let res = await MysInfo.get(this.e, 'character')
if (!res || res.retcode !== 0) return false
let uid = this.e.uid
let avatars = res.data.avatars
if (avatars.length <= 0) return false
/** 判断是否绑定了ck */
this.ck = await MysInfo.checkUidBing(uid, this.e)
2023-03-04 14:30:13 +08:00
let skill = []
if (this.ck) {
await this.e.reply('正在获取角色信息,请稍候...')
this.mysApi = new MysApi(uid, this.ck.ck, { log: false })
this.mysApi.cacheCd = 1800
skill = await this.getAllSkill(avatars)
/** 截图数据 */
let data = {
saveId: this.e.uid,
uid: this.e.uid,
...this.dealData(avatars, skill)
return data
async getAllSkill (avatars) {
let skillRet = []; let skill = []
// 批量获取技能数据分组10个id一次延迟100ms
let num = 10; let ms = 100
let avatarArr = lodash.chunk(avatars, num)
let start = Date.now()
for (let val of avatarArr) {
for (let avatar of val) {
skillRet = await Promise.all(skillRet)
// 过滤没有获取成功的
skillRet.filter(item => item.a)
skillRet = skillRet.filter(item => item.a)
await common.sleep(ms)
skill = lodash.keyBy(skillRet, 'id')
logger.mark(`[米游社接口][detail][${this.ck.uid}] ${Date.now() - start}ms`)
return skill
async getSkill (avatar) {
let force = !this.e.msg.includes('force')
let res = await this.mysApi.getData('detail', { avatar_id: avatar.id }, force)
if (!res || res.retcode !== 0 || !res.data.skill_list) return false
let skill = {
id: avatar.id
let type = 'id'
if ([10000021].includes(Number(avatar.id))) {
type = 'group_id'
let skillList = lodash.orderBy(res.data.skill_list, [type], ['asc'])
for (let val of skillList) {
val.level_original = val.level_current
if (val.name.includes('普通攻击') || val.name.includes('Normal Attack')) {
skill.a = val
if (val.max_level >= 10 && !skill.e) {
skill.e = val
if (val.max_level >= 10 && !skill.q) {
skill.q = val
if (avatar.actived_constellation_num >= 3) {
if (avatar.constellations[2].effect.includes(skill.e.name)) {
skill.e.level_current += 3
} else if (avatar.constellations[2].effect.includes(skill.q.name)) {
skill.q.level_current += 3
if (avatar.actived_constellation_num >= 5) {
if (avatar.constellations[4].effect.includes(skill.e.name)) {
skill.e.level_current += 3
} else if (avatar.constellations[4].effect.includes(skill.q.name)) {
skill.q.level_current += 3
return skill
dealData (avatars, skill) {
let daily = gsCfg.getdefSet('daily', 'daily')
const displayMode = /(角色|武器|练度)/.test(this.e.msg) ? 'weapon' : 'talent'
// 四星五星
let star = 0
let msg = this.e.msg.replace(this.e.uid, '')
if (/(四|4)/.test(msg)) star = 4
if (/(五|5)/.test(msg)) star = 5
// 天赋等级背景
const talentLvMap = '0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5'.split(',')
// 根据每日素材构建 角色->素材的映射关系
let charTalentMap = {}
daily.forEach((weekCfg, week) => {
lodash.forIn(weekCfg[0], (talentCfg, talentName) => {
talentCfg[1].forEach((charName) => {
charTalentMap[charName] = { name: talentName, week: [3, 1, 2][week] }
let avatarRet = []
for (let idx in avatars) {
let curr = avatars[idx]
let avatar = lodash.pick(curr, 'id,name,rarity,level,rarity,fetter'.split(','))
avatar.rarity = avatar.rarity > 5 ? 5 : avatar.rarity
// let weapon = curr.weapon || {}
'name,level,rarity,affix_level'.split(',').forEach((idx) => {
avatar[`weapon_${idx}`] = curr.weapon[idx]
avatar.cons = curr.actived_constellation_num
if (avatar.id == 10000007) {
avatar.name = '荧'
avatar.fetter = 10
} else if (avatar.id == 10000005) {
avatar.name = '空'
avatar.fetter = 10
} else {
let talent = charTalentMap[avatar.name] || {}
avatar.talent = talent.name
avatar.talentWeek = talent.week // `${talent.week}${talent.week + 3}`;
let skillRet = skill[avatar.id] || {}
const talentConsCfg = { a: 0, e: 3, q: 5 }
lodash.forIn(talentConsCfg, (consLevel, key) => {
let talent = skillRet[key] || {}
// 天赋等级
avatar[key] = talent.level_current || '-'
// 是否有命座加成
avatar[`${key}_plus`] = talent.level_current > talent.level_original
// 天赋书星级
avatar[`${key}_lvl`] = talentLvMap[talent.level_original * 1]
avatar[`${key}_original`] = talent.level_original * 1
avatar.aeq = avatar.a * 1 + avatar.e + avatar.q
// 超过八个角色才分类四星五星
if (star >= 4 && avatarRet.length > 8) {
avatarRet = avatarRet.filter(item => item.rarity == star)
let sortKey = ({
talent: 'aeq,rarity,level,star,fetter,talentWeek',
weapon: 'level,rarity,aeq,cons,weapon_level,weapon_rarity,weapon_affix_level,fetter'
avatarRet = lodash.orderBy(avatarRet, sortKey, lodash.repeat('desc,', sortKey.length).split(','))
let noTalent = avatarRet.length == 0 || /^-+$/.test(avatarRet.map((d) => d.a).join(''))
let talentNotice = `*技能数据会缓存${this.cacheCd}分钟`
if (noTalent) {
talentNotice = '该uid未绑定Cookie无法获取技能数据。回复【#体力帮助】查看教程'
let week = new Date().getDay()
if (new Date().getHours() < 4) {
return {
avatars: avatarRet,
bgType: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3),
abbr: { ...gsCfg.getdefSet('role', 'other').sortName, ...gsCfg.getdefSet('weapon', 'other').sortName },
week: [3, 1, 2][week % 3],